history timeline 1

  • Joseph smith and the Mormons

    Joseph smith and the Mormons
    Joseph Smith was told by Jesus himself when he was coming back. He had translated the gold plates and from that translation he found the Book of Mormon. This man had fooled people in to following him and his beliefs. one of these beliefs was palimony, What is polygamy? Polygamy is where a man has more the one wife Or a women has more than one husband. They belied this because Joseph Smith Said In order to find Salvation You must have more then one spouse
  • Andrew Jackson and the Indian removal act

    Andrew Jackson and the Indian removal act
    In the 1830's, A man by the name of Andrew Jackson who was president at that time. he signed a bill into law witch was called the Indian Removal Act. What did this Act do? The Indian Remove act force removed five native America tribes from their native land.These five tribes were the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Seminole nations. These tribes were known as The five civilized tribes. these five tribes even though They became civilized were still pushed off their land by the white man.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    February 23, 1836, began the siege of the Alamo, a 13-day battle between Spanish solders and American settlers later that year the Texans won their independence from mexico. The Alamo was originally a mission post but was later used as a milestone in Texas fight for independence from Mexico. The Alamo is located in what we know today as San Antonio Texas. The people who were involved in the Battle were Davy Crockett James Bowie and William Travis these people are just three of the 200 solders.
  • trail of tears

    trail of tears
    In 1838 and 1839 the Cherokee were forced to move to what is now Oklahoma. This journey from the east Mississippi to Oklahoma was Know as the trail of tears or in the Cherokee language Nunahi-Duna-Dlo-Hilu-I how long is the journey? the journey was approximately 1,000 miles. the journey was support take two months How many people died? over 4,000 out of 15,000 died most from hunger, sickness, and weather conditions. the picture represents the Cherokee Indians walking the trail of tears.
  • Manifest destiny/westward expansion

    Manifest destiny/westward expansion
    Manifest Destiny, The term originated in 1840's. Was a time were the settlers were expanding and pushing the Native Americans out of their land so the white man can expand their territory. The white man's reasoning for this was because they believed it was their mission from God. To expand from the east cost to the west coast. But in doing so they would hurt kill and drive the Native Americans off their land in order to achieve there goal. The picture is to Represent the White man moving west.
  • Brigham Young relation with the mormons

    Brigham Young relation with the mormons
    After the assassination of Joseph Smith in 1844, Young was chosen to lead the Mormons he was born in Born in Whitingham, Vermont in 1801. after his mothers death on January 11 1815 he left home and worked as carpenter he Brigham young was the 9th out of 11 children.Brigham young was a polygamist had as many 16 wives and 56 children. Utah was Originally called Deseret by the Mormons. when they settled there the area was a part of mexico the Picture is of Brigham young this man was a polygamist.
  • mexican war

    mexican war
    From Apr 25, 1846 – Feb 2, 1848 The Americas were at war with the Mexican and during this time James K Polk was president This man believed in Manifest destiny. but congress Didn't Declare war Until May 13. congress finally declared war when a squad of Mexican solders attack a cavalierly of america solders on April 25 1846. The area Polk had his eyes on was California,new Mexico and what is today the American southwest.
  • gold rush

    gold rush
    The California gold rush started in 1848 and ended in 1857. It peaked in 1852. James Wilson Marshall found flakes of gold whilst working to build a water powered sawmill for John Sutter. The amount of gold extracted by the miners equaled 2 Billion dollars and was 750,000 pounds. People,,mostly men borrowed money, mortgaged their property, or spent their life savings to join in pursuit of the kind of wealth they had never dreamed of. The picture is a portrait of the men digging for there fortune.
  • Mormons

    in 1893, the Salt Lake City Temple is the largest temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.1844 in Nauvoo, Ill Joseph Smith was shot and kill along with his brother Hyrum Smith they were killed by an angry mob