
Events, People, and Ideas of Ancient Greece

  • Sparta defeats Athens; the Pelopennesian War ends.

    Sparta defeats Athens; the Pelopennesian War ends.
    The war ends. Athens did give up to Sparta after twenty seven years of batteling.Who was involved was the citizens of Sparta and Athens. The disease that killed many Athenians helped Sparta defeat Athens because there were not as many Athenians due to thedisease. For fifty years, all of the Greek city's were very weak. Who was involved was Spartiean's and Athenian people. This was important because no more war and violence. The war took place in Athens.
  • Plato opens an academy of learning in Athens,

    Plato opens an academy of learning in Athens,
    Plato founded an academy in 380 BCE in Athens The academy was on science and philoshipy. Plato wanted to train young men to become better statesmen.This academy was very important because Plato strongly believed that to prove something it must be done through math. The academy was also important because a lot of the men are now educated because of Plato's academy. Who was involved in ooening the academy was Plato. It was important because Plato can educate not only himself but other men.