Events Leading up to the Russian Revolution

  • The Great Northern War

    The Great Northern War
    1700 Peter the Great felt ready to attack on Sweden(Poland and Denmark allies)started the war. 1703 built new capital, St.Pertersburg, on territory he had won. The Treaty of Nystad(1721) brought war to an end, gave Russia the prizzed Swedish provinces on the eastern shores or the Baltic Sea. he put high tax on beards and oriental dress that froced people to dress western.Modernized calendar,simplifed alphaet,unified the currency,introduced universal taxation.
  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    St. Petersburg Russia a group of military officals staged a revolt again Nicholas1, defeated by the Czars armed forces. Rebels believed that he didn't deserve the throne and that he cheated it from his brother, Constantine. Rebels wanted a free Russian state, federal governmemt and constitution instead of a Czar. Nicholas1 tried to initiate peace talks order to open fire was given and rebels fell to Czars superior military forces. 60-70 rebels died all captured were hanged or exiled to Siberia.
  • Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs

    1856 Czar spoke to the gentey of Moscow and asked them to consider emancipation for the serfs. In 1861 the erfs were freed, the freed serfs had to pay for their freedom not as individuals but collectively. Only a portion of the money was givin to the serf commune and the other givin to the government. Many serfs believed that they did not get the land that they deserved, they were forced to bargain. Serfs now speak to former masters as equal.(date not givin yeat givin)
  • The Assassination of Alexander II

    The Assassination of Alexander II
    A bomb was thrown by a mamber of the revolutinary "People Will" group.
  • The Russia-Japanese War

    The Russia-Japanese War
    Russia seized the peninsula, Russia occupied Manchuria, Russia refused to withdraw. Japan pregared for war, started an alliance with Great Britain, 1904 the launched a surprise torpedo at Port Arthur. Russia ships were destroyed or penned up in Port Arthur. Russia's Baltic fleet was defeated in Tsushima Strait(Sea of Japan) Russia fought with handicaps, men and supplies were thousands of miles away only connect by the single track Trans-Siberian Railroad.
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The Revolution of 1905
    Bloody Sunday marked the beginning of the Revolution. After Bloody Sunday Russia was in turmail. Caused revot throughout the nation. Worker strikes, agriculture struggles, terrorism, and army mutiny are problems the Czar was facing. There were riots and gernal confusion. Czar left to American. Massive strike one Oct. 7-17 1905 brought the Czar back to Russia. Ministeral government and Duma were elected, Manifest ended the Revolution.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Jan 22,1905 newstyle. There was a wave of strikes that broke out in Sr. Petersburg. The leader priest Georgy Gapon arranged a mass demonstration that led workers, carrying religious icons, pictures of Nicholas II, and pertitions citing their griecances and desired reforms. Cheif of securty police tried to stop the march and fired upon the demonstrators. More then 100 marchers were killed several wounded. Followed by:series of strikes on other cities,peasant uprisaing,mutinies in armed forces.
  • World War 1 (Russian Involvement)

    World War 1 (Russian Involvement)
    Led revolution in Russia. The Allies including Russia won. Russia, France, and Britain formed the rival Triple Entente later calld Allies. July 29, Russsia mobilized itstroops near Austrian and Greman borders. Russia wanted to control Constantinople and straits from the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea. Germany demanded Russia to declare itself neutral, both Russia and Frace ignored German demands.
  • Czar Nicholas II Abdicates

    Czar Nicholas II Abdicates
    Nicholas II led his country into another costly war, food became scarce, soldiers war-weary, and devestation defeats on the eastern front demonstrated the Czars ineffectual leadership. Nicholas was forced to abdicate the throne by the Petrograd insurgents, provicial government in place. Nicholas and his family were first held at the Czarskoye Selo palace, then Yekaterinburg palace near Tobolsk. after a secret meating of the Yekaterinburg Soviet forces a death sentance was passed on the family.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Also know as February Revolution. Russian protesting about the shortage of fuel and bread started the revolution. "Down With the Czar" and "Down with the War" signs were posted up about the city. The Czar band protesting and told the militatry to shoot protesters.