Events Leading Up to the Russian Revolution

  • The Great Northern War

    The Great Nothern War ends, Russia wins over Sweden. Russia is led by Peter the Great.
  • The Decembrist Revolt

    A revolt ledby a few officers of the Chernigov Regiment. They and 3000 soldiers revolted because they were upset over the change in leadership.
  • Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs

    Czar Alexander frees the serfs, giving them some of their own land.
  • The Assassination of Alexander II

    the Czar is assasinated and and tougher laws oppresing the people come into plqy
  • Bloody sunday

    Peaceful protesters let by father Gapon, were shot at by the Russian soldiers protecting the palace, killing hurdereds of protesters.
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The revolution of 1905 was a series of uprising and mutinies that threw the country into chaos. the Czar gives in and creates the Duma.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    Russian army fights with Japan over land in the far east. Everyone expects Russia to crush Japan, but Japan wins.
  • World War I (Russian Involvement)

    Russia fights ageinst Germany and Austria in World War 1. They suffer heavy losses and the economy is crippled. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk end s the fighting between russia and germany
  • the March Revolution

    revolution in march 8th 1917, the russian army and phesants verses the police and royal guard.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne

    Czar Nicholas abdicates the throne to calm the people down and try to prevent revoution. He then is sent to Siberia.