European History 1000+

  • Jan 1, 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    The Catholic Church is split between two bases. One in Constantinople, and the traditional capital in Rome. Plants seeds of Reformation.
  • Jul 15, 1215

    Sales of Indulgences

    Sales of Pardons for sins by catholic officials.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1277 to Dec 31, 1447

    Visconi Families Rule

    Rose to power as Despots
    Ruled Milan for 2 centuries
  • Period: Oct 8, 1304 to Oct 8, 1374

    Fransesco Petrarch

    -Known as Father of Humanism
    -Lived in Avignon, Fance
    -Most famous works; "Letters to the Ancient Dead"(letters to the philosiphers of antiquity, and a series of love poems to a married woman named Laura
  • Oct 8, 1308

    Dantes Divine Comedy

    Dantes Divine Comedy
    Most prominent Italian rennaissance literature
  • Jan 1, 1350

    Beginning of Humanism

    Beginning of humanist idealism. Leads to Protestant Reformation.
  • Oct 28, 1378

    Brothers of Common Life

    Brothers of Common Life
    Religious movement devoted to charity and chastity.
  • Period: Oct 28, 1385 to

    Rennaissance art

    Prevailing art of the Renaissance created a rebirth of the Roman classics, and saw the creation of the Ciaroscuro and Linear Perspective styles.
    Artists from this period included:
    -Leonardo da Vinci
    *Mona Lisa
    *Vitruvian Man
    *The Last Supper
    *Sistene Chapel
    *School of Athens
  • Period: Sep 27, 1389 to Aug 1, 1464

    Life of Cosimo de Medici

    Wealthy Florentine who rose to power as a banker and had virtual rule over the city of Florence.
  • Oct 8, 1438

    Florentine Platonic Academy

    Florentine Platonic Academy
    Informal meeting of Leading humanists in Florence
  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to Dec 31, 1550

    Sfoza family

    Ruled Milan after the Visconti family
  • Oct 28, 1450

    Printing Press Introduced to Europe

    Printing Press Introduced to Europe
    The movable type printer originally invented in China is improved and introduced to Europe by Johannes Gutenburg.
    Gutenburg bible is first printed book in 1455 allows for greater spread of learning and language known as Renaissance.
  • Dec 12, 1450

    Print Culture

    By the time of the Englightenment the printing press had become so wide spread throughout Europe and mostly in England that books could be spread throughout the continent in only a year. this lead to the spread of knowledge and thus of the opression of knowledge referred to by scholars as the Print Culture.
  • Feb 22, 1454

    Amerigo Vespucci

    Amerigo Vespucci
    Name-sake of American country.
  • Apr 9, 1454

    Treaty of Lodi Created

    Treaty of Lodi Created
    City states of Milan, Florence. and`Naples against France and Venice
  • Nov 13, 1460

    Henry the Navigator

    Henry the Navigator
  • Apr 9, 1492

    Lorenzo the Magnifficent

    Lorenzo the Magnifficent
    Son of Cosimo de Medici
    Ruled Florence as a totalitarian state
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus lands in America

    Columbus lands in America
  • Mar 31, 1495

    League of Venice Formed

    League of Venice Formed
    Allied Venice, Papal States, and the Holy Roman Empire together against the FRench expansion into Italy
  • Oct 8, 1498

    Girolamo Savanorola

    Girolamo Savanorola
    Allowed for France to march into Italy unchallenged by preaching to Florentines that the march was a long overdue punishment for their great wealth.
  • Period: Dec 12, 1502 to

    Atlantic Slave trade

    African slaves imported from to the new world create a new form of economy for the american colonies until slavery is outlawed in Britain and the US and these countries begin to fight its hold on the new world.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1517 to

    Protestant Reformation

  • Apr 27, 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    Circumnavigated the Earth.
  • Jan 1, 1525

    English Reformation

    King Henry VIII lead England to a split from the Catholic church after the Pope refused to approve his divorce from Catherine of Aragon.
    -Martin Bucer
    -William Tyndale
    -Cardinal Thomas Woodsley
    -Thomas More
    -Henry VII
  • Oct 8, 1528

    The Book of the Courtier is Published by Baldassare Castiglone

    The Book of the Courtier is Published by Baldassare Castiglone
    -The knowledge of the past should be a model and a chellenge to the present day
    -written to be a guide to Humanism
  • Oct 11, 1531

    Ulrich Zwingli

    Ulrich Zwingli
    Leads Swiss Reformation.
  • Jul 6, 1535

    Thomas More Executed

    Thomas More Executed
    Sir Thomas More(Born:February 1478) was a famous english humanist who promoted reforms within the church. He was executed for opposing the english split from the Catholic Church.
  • Jul 2, 1536

    Desiderius Erasmus Dies

    Desiderius Erasmus Dies
    The first and most influential Humanist, Erasmus was a freind and colleague of Martin Luther.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1545 to

    Counter Reformation

    Attempt by catholic Church to crete reforms and slow the spread of Protestantism.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1545 to Dec 31, 1563

    Council of Trent

    Annual meeting of Catholic leaders to enforce reforms.
  • Jan 1, 1546

    Schmalkadic Wars

    Wars between the Holy Roman Empire and German princes who had allied themselves with Lutherism(Schmalkadic League). Led to the Peace of Augsburg wich allowed prices within the Holy Roman Empire to chose their kingdoms Religion.
  • Feb 18, 1546

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Leader of the protestant Revolution.
  • Jul 31, 1556

    Ignatius of Loyola

    Formed the Society of Jesus after being wounded in battle and experiencing a religious awakening.
  • Sep 21, 1558

    Charles V

    Holy Roman Emperor who lead the Diet of Augsburg, a meeting of Catholic leaders which led to the condemning of Protestantism and Martin Luthers Declaration as an Outlaw.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Mary I (Bloody Mary)

    Rose to power after death of Henry VIII. Attempted to restore catholisism to England. Killed hundreds of Protestants during her reign.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1562 to

    French Wars of Religion

    Wars between the Hugeunots(French Protestants) and French Catholics, to allow the Hugeonots freedom to worship. Ended the January Edict which allowed the Calvanists in France to worchip, but not other protestant sects. This was remedied after further war and the Peace of Beaulilu, which allowed most Protestant religions to worship.
  • May 27, 1564

    John Calvin

    Created protestant sect, Calvinism.
  • English wars of Religion

    Phillip II attempts to replace Elizabeth I, with Mary, Queen of Scots. After Elizabeth executes Mary, Phillip sends the Spanish armada to attempt to overthrow Elizabeth, and it is defeated by the Francis Drake.
  • Period: to

    Barogue Art

    Art style which came into popularity along with the counter-reformation. Featured heavy and dramatic ornamentation. Glorified life and raw emotion.
    Featured artists such as: Remembrant, Reuben, Bernini, Caravaggio.
  • Philip II

    Leader of both Spain and the Holy Roman Empire, Phillip lead Spain to its height of power and size. fought Protestantism and was the Pope and leader of the Catholic church for much of his reign.
  • Elizabeth iI

    Queen of England after the Death of Mary Tudor. Her Act of Supremacy required all English Citezens to adhere to many laws regulating their attendence to the newly formed Chruch of England.
  • Spanish Religious Wars

    War between Phillip II of Spain and Britain as Europe attempted to quell British expansion into mainland Europe and destroy the Protestant church of England. When William of Orange brought the Netherlands into the battle it ended with twelve year truce and Peace of Westphalia, giving Protestant churches much freer reign in Europe.
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years War

    After the various Religious wars within France, the German Kingdoms, and Spain/England, the Holy Roman Empire, becomes a major conlict between the Bourbons and the Hapsburgs. The war resulted in the devestation of the German states and a great weakening of the Holy Roman Empires power.
  • Anarchism

    An attempt to create a world with no governmental bodies and where peoples governed themselves.
  • Period: to

    Golden age of the Netherlands

    During this era the Dutch served as a model for the rest of Europe in Religious toleration, advancements of agricultural science, and economic model. This era ended when the country went bankrupt, largely caused by the Tulip Craze.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightenment

    French Philosophies attempt to change the totalotarian government of France into a more equal and democratic government, modeling that of England.
  • John Locke

    Influential englich philosopher and Physician, who was regarded as the main inspirational figure for the Philosophes of the Enlightenment.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    Split the new world in two. Determining what areas would go to Spain and what would go to Portugal.
  • Lois the Great(XIV)

    Established the French court-life of nobles in Versaiiles in order to quell the aristocratic rebellions of his era. Establiched a system of absolute monarchial rule which lasted until the French Revolution.
  • Issac Newton

    An influential British scientist who dicsovered the basic laws of physics and the universal law of gravity. his view of the univers as clockwork whos iner mechanisms could be described and documented led to the diest religion of the French Enlightenment.
  • Textile industry of Britain

    As Britain became the leader of the industrial revolution and their traditional ways of producing gods were challenged, a new industry of machine made clothes in set sizes was created.
  • The war of Jenkins Ear Ends

    High tensions between the British and spanish empires explode when a British Navy captain claims that his ship was attacked by spanish ships in 1739.
  • Madam de Tencin

    Ran and operated many of the parisian saalons, which helped to spread the ideas of the enlightenment and helped to set the french revolution in motion.
  • Encyclopedia published

    Published by Denid Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alambert, this book was a complitation of the works of more than one hundred authors and was one of the greatest sources of knowledge in Europe during the Enlightenment.
  • Baron de Montesquieu

    Created the theory that government bodies should be split so one body would not gain too much power.
  • Westminster Convention

    Alliance between Great Britian and Prussia after the war of Austrian succession ends the austrian empires power and its ability to check the power of France.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Rvolution

    Movement which saw the birth of the steam engine and many agricultural inovations. Began in and was centered in England.
  • Catherine II of Russia Coronated

  • Louis XV Of France

    Father of Louis XVI who was executed during the French Revolution. His Foreign policies and surrender of French Territories greatly weakened the aristocracy of France and nearly bankrupted the country.
  • Voltaire

    An influential Writer voltaire helped to begin the French Enlightenment by contesting the state fo government in France at the time and advocting the English parliament.
  • Jean Jaques Russeau Executed

  • Jean Jaques Rousseau Executed

    Rousseau who began as the leading voice of the national assembly during the french revolution is executed after leading his country toward the Great Terror and Executing louis the 8 and
  • American Freedom

    Treaty is signed giving Biritish colonies in north america freedom to govern themselves. Effectively ends British hold in New World.
  • End of Seven Years War

    Also known as the French- Indian war in America, this conflict spread across nearly every european colony in both the New World and Asia. The two largest powers involved in this conflict were Great Britian, and the Hapsburg rulers of France and Spain. In the end it solidified England as a world wide empire and Ended Frances Colonial empire as well as Spains Holdings in Asia. Ends with treaty of Paris.
  • Neolocalism

    As the Industrial Revolution progresses households in Western European countries
  • Charter of Nobility and the old Regime

    England- Nobles are members of parliament. Only nobles can hunt any large game due to Game Laws.
    Russia/Eastern Europe-Nobles rule over serfs who are almost slaves.
    France-Nobility is divided by two distinctions. Versailles vs non versaille. and army involved nobles vs. land owning nobles
    Corvee-fee paid by serfs to their landowner.
    Charter of nobility in Russia limits the power of the nobility.
  • Enlightenment Absolutism

    This phrase refers to the change in policies of Frederick II of Prussia, Joseph II of Austria, and Catherine II of Russia, after the French revolution. These rulers followed many Enlightenment ideas to try and better their countries and to gain favor in their kingdoms.
  • Chartles III

    Reje3cted the precious state funded new world exploration attempts, in favor of a new mercantile form of exploration, following the model of English expansion pre-1750.
  • French Revolution 1789

    Louis XVI calls together the Estates General constisting of the:
    First Estate: Clergy
    Second Estate: Nobility
    Third Estate: Peasentry
    After the Third estate is locked out of the assembly area, the meet in a nearby tennis court and take an oath to create a new French Republic, forming the National Assembly.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Peasants storm the military prison Bastille in order to capture weapons for the French revolution.
  • End of The Great Fear

    The series of executions, including those of the King and Queen of France at the Guillotine ends with the execution of Jean Jaques Rousseau.
  • Declaration of The Rights of Man and Citezen

    An attempt suring the French Revolution to create a new Constiuiton which had equal rights for all members of society.
  • Period: to

    Reconstruction of France

    A period at the end of the French Revolution where the ideas of a French Republic and a democratic government were experimented with, until the rise and crowning of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804
  • Period: to

    Romantic Movement

    A movement in the feilds of literature, and the arts, towards a more emotional form of art style and a dramatization of nature. Brought into popularity the short poem as well as such authors as Poe, Wordsworth, the Shellys, Coleridge, Blake, Hugo, Schlegal, and Byron.
  • Adam Smith

    Wrote Wealb th of Nations and created the modern economist world.created theory of Laissez faire.
  • Louis XVI Executed

    King of France prior to his execution in the french revolution, Louis XVI strained the relationship between the aristocracy and the peasantry of France even further than it had been during his fathers rule, and his wife Anne Boleyn bankrupted the country through her lavish lifestyle.
  • Philosophes

    During the french Enlightenment
  • Marie Wollstonecraft

    A well known Enlightenmen writer Marie was one of the first advocaters of the womans rights movements in her book A Vindication of the Rights of Women.
  • Cesare Baccaria

    Wrote On Crimes and Punishment condemming torture and the death punishment as punishment for crimes.
  • Charles Alexandre de Calonne

    Raised taxes in France to attempt to pay off the countries debt.
  • Jacques Necker

    Finance Minister of France Necker, bankrupted France and despite his popularity with the peasantry he was hated by both the Queen and her husband.
  • Napoleonic Code

    A civil rights and law code written by Napoleon.
  • French invasion of Russia

    Napoleon leads his troops in an iinvasion of the Russian Empire and despite reaching Moscow the troops run out of food and recoces and are forced to retreat. after which Napoleon is Exiled.
  • Congress of Vienna disbands

    The congress of Vienna was a meetingof influential politicians and monarchs in Vienna to discuss the isssues arising from the French Revolution, Napoleonic wars, and fall of the Holy Roman Empire.By redrawing the map of Europe and for the first known time in history agreeing upon set and ablsolute borders for countries nearly all European countries.
    This Meeting also defined the two types of new political viewpoints, Nationalism and Liberalism.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleonic forces are defeated in The Netherlands by the seventh Coalition, a alliance of the most powerful european countries of the time to attempt fo check the power of france.Lead to the Quadruple alliance of the UK Austria, Russia, and Prussia. This alliance attempted to keep the traditional power of countries intact and toquell rebellions.
  • Concert of Europe

    The congress of Vienna helped bring together the largest governments of Europe in an attempt for them to maintain the traditional power system. This concert quelled all rebellions and uprisings and attempted to cencor liberal views until the outbreak of WWI.
  • Conservative governments

    Austria and Prussia held extremely conservative view at the time of the congress of Vienna. Many actions and laws limiting free speech and censoring knowledge were taken in these countries at this time.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Military captain in the french army duriing the Revolution, Napoleon rose throught the ranks until becoming Emperor of France.
  • David Ricardo

    Rich member of parliament. Influential Economist.
  • Saint Simoninaism

    Belief that progression of Science and industry sould solve all of the worlds problems.
  • Child labor and the English Factory act

    Child laborers were allowed to work in factory jobs and due to thier small bodies were forced to climb into and fix the industrial machines, until the Englich Factory act of 1833 when the minimum age for labor was raised to 9.
  • Thomas Malthus

    Wrote An Essay on the Principals of Population saying that populations were in a constant state of rise and fall due to famine and growth. Also said that jobs would follow this pattern.
  • Guild Organizations

    THese groups which consisted of the former artisans and craftsmen of the pre industrial age, attempted to fight the industrialization of Great Britain and formed some of the first labor unions.
  • Prison Reform

    As urbanization became more common and crime rates rose in cities, professiona police forces consisting of community volunteers popped up around europe.
  • Women in Factories.

    Unmarried women would find work in the simpler clothes making factor jobs until they got married and relied upon their husmbands.
  • Utopian Socialism

  • Year of Revolutions

    wave of Revolutions in Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, Schleswig, the Hapsurg Empire, Hungary, Swizerland, Western Ukraine, Poland, and nearly 50 countries. these revolts by the middle and lower classes were largely unsuccessful.
  • Period: to

    New Imperialism

    European powers expand their existing empires into Africa, South America, and Asia. Characterized by increases in racist thoughts, and industrialization of colonial city centers. European powers valued their colonial enterprises because they provided economic value both in raw materials as well as trade income.
  • Diesm

    A religious veiwpoint which was formed during hte Enlightenment whos members believ that logic and reason are sufficient proof that the is a God. Deists believe in Newtons model of god as a divine watch maker who simply set the laws of nature in place.
  • Begging of Urbanizaton Movement

    As Factory jobs become availale in the cities of Europe, and agricultural innovatons reduce the need for manpower in the production of food many Eurpoeans move into newly formed badly planned suburbs on the outside of major cities.
  • Railway Boom

    As the industrial revolution progressed travel became an imprtant industry across the major countries of Europe and railways became common criscrossing the continent.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The end of the Crimean war. Russia surrrenders territory near mouth of Danube river, and is forced to recognize the independence of the Black sea Nations, as well as renounce its protection of Orthodox christians in the Ottoman Empire,
  • Crimean War ends

    Russia attempts to occupy Molodovia and Walachia in the Ottomon Empire. Analliance of the Empire, France, Britian, and Sardinia(an Italian nation), push Russia out of the country and greatly weaken the countries forces.
    *all forces were competely inadequatly lead and the result was due to sheer force and numbers
  • The Danish War

    Bismark manipulates Prussian and Austria into defending the Schleswig-Holstein territories from Danish expansion. Earns him personal prestige as well as adding the territories to Germanies growing "empire".
  • Owenism

    A movement which attempted to create utopian societies throught europe.
  • The Austro-Prussian war

    Bismark manipulates Austria and Prussia(the two main resistors of German unification) into a series of battles over control of Schleswig and Holstein leading to Austrias defeat in 1866. Austria looses as a result the Venetian territory to France who was allied with the new italian Republic, Napoleon as a result ceded Venitia to Italy finalizind Italian Unification on the Peninsula.
  • The North German Confederation Founded

  • Guissepe Mazzini

    Italian Nationalist. Drove Austria from the Italian Peninsula and establiched Italian republis.
  • The Long depression

    A stock market panic across Europe begins a financiall depression which lasts up to twenty-three years in some American and European countries, notably England.
  • Fourierism

    Created Communities known as Phalanxes where members were recompensed and earned money based on their contribution to the community.
  • Marxism

    /based on the views of Carl Marx this was the original form of Communism.
  • Congress of Berlin

    Congress of Berlin
    Major European powers meet in berlin to rearange the Balkan provinces and end the Russian conflicts.
  • League of the Three Emperors

    Alliance between Germany, Russia,and Austria-Hungary.
  • Guiseppe Geribaldi

    Republican partner of Mazzini. Led geurilla military units to drive Austrian ocuppants out of Italy and to establich the Italian Republic. Succeded in !860 to place Count Camillo Cavour in place as the first Italian Prime Minister.
  • Otto von Bismark

    Major influence for German Unification and independence from Prussia. One of the most brilliant politicians of all time.
  • Fall of Chrisitanity

    The easy access of information during this era caouses a signnificant drop in christian citizens as new beliefs are exposed, and new literature critisizing christian belifs are published.
  • Vladimir Lenin Economic veiws

    Lenin veiwed Imperialism as the inevitable monopoly stage of capitalism.Influenced by JA Hobson
  • Mein Kamph and Hitlers goals

    In his book Hitler outlined his goals for Germany;
    -Expand Germany beyond 1914(pre-WWI) borders
    -bring the entire german people(Volk) together into one nation
    -increase geman living space(Lebensraum) by taking it from Slavs and other "racially inferionr peoples"
    -removal of Jews to create a purified world
    -Conquer Poland and Ukraine to accomplish