European History

  • Jan 1, 1095


    The crusades were religious wars between the Christians and the Muslims over the Holy Land. The King and leader was Richard the Lionheart. In the end, Jerusalem stayed in Muslim control, but Christians are allowed to visit.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    The Black Plague

    The Black Death devestated Europe and surrounding countries. Thousands died from the disease, and originally came from rats, spread by fleas. Now, we have a cure for the plague, as it could revive at any time.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    The Renaissance was a time period in Europe and the surrounding countries wher there was an increase of interest in learning, and the arts. Renaissance means rebirth. Great artists of this time were Michaelangelo, and Donatello.
  • Jan 1, 1517

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    There were 3 causes of the Protestant Reformation. The first one was the 100 years war and the Black Death. The second was scientific advances which contradicted the Church, and lastly, the corruption within the Church. The Protestant Reformation was when Christianity broke into two groups; the Catholic, and the Protestant.
  • Jan 1, 1558

    Elizabethan England

    The time period refering to when Queen Elizabeth I ruled England. There was no electricity, and no plumbing. People went to the bathroom in buckets, and dumped them out their window. All streets led to the Thames River. People used horses and carriages to travel.
  • The Creation of Vatican City

    The Creation of Vatican City
    Vatican City is a microstate located inside the city of Rome, Italy. It was created in 1929 by the signing of several treaties, and covers a land area of 109 acres. This is the home of the Pope, and is the heart of the Church.
  • The European Union

    The European Union
    Now, the European Union has 15 members, and 3 countries on hold. In 1951, several countries in Europe united, and had created a strong Coal and Steel Community. In 1986, the European Union had 12 members, and by 1995, there were all 15 members.
  • Chunnel

    The Channel Tunnel, also reffered to as the Chunnel, is a 31.4 mile long under-sea tunnel. It runs below the English Channel, at the Straight of Dover, and at it's deepest point, it is 250 feet deep. In 1996 it was identified as one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World.
  • Feudalism

    Feudalism is the social classes of the Middle Ages, also called the Dark Ages. Kings and Queens are at the top, with Lords and Ladies just below them. Then come the knights, who are trained warriors. Finally, at the bottom of the pig-pile is the serfs, or peasants.