220px abraham lincoln november 1863

Europe Middle Ages

  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
    It caused the Dark Ages, and it caused Rome to sack they had no protection
  • 500

    The Catholic Church

    The Catholic Church
    The biggest impireand the best.
    Hell was used as a fear meckanism
  • Sep 26, 1096


    Cause- Muslims take the holy land
    Effect- Trade increased, feel safe, found out Greece and France
  • Sep 26, 1200

    Freaudalism Weakens

    Freaudalism Weakens
    When Vikings gain power nations start to from
  • Sep 26, 1350

    The Renaissan

    The Renaissan
    1/3 of the Europeans died
    The result of the Crusades was the Renaissance
    Promoted: Art, science, and inventions
  • Sep 26, 1450

    Priniting Press

    Priniting Press
    Bibles were printers
    Could print books
    Created by Guten Burg, he was from Germany
  • Charlemagne

    Ruled the most land during the Middle Ages