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World history timeline

By Ellalu
  • Gunpowder Plot

    Gunpowder Plot
    The Gunpowder plot was a failed attempt on James I and Parliaments lives. Guy Fawkes and a group of men planned on blowing up Parliament by placing 2 tons of gunpowder underneath The House of Parliament. Except one of the conspirators tipped off something was wrong to a friend in Parliament. This friend told the king and they eventually found Guy Fawkes sitting and waiting to light the gunpowder.
  • The discovery of planets

    The discovery of planets
    Galileo, through a telescope, found that the earth is not the center of the solar system but rather the sun is. This helped the growth and questioning of sciences, current government and religion.
  • Battle of Nantwich

    Battle of Nantwich
    The Battle of Nantwich was a battle fought between parliamentarians and royalists just above the town of Nantwich. Lord Byron besieged the town and it was relieved by Thomas Fairfax and his army. But a sudden thaw in the river split Byron’s forces and was overrun by Fairfax.
  • Bolton Massacre

    Bolton Massacre
    A town full of men from Parliament was the target of a Royalist group. There were two battles fought in the attempt to capture the town. The first fail but the second succeeded. About 1,600 people died during this confrontation which is how this battle got its name.
  • Montesquieu publishes “ On The Spirit Of Laws”

    Montesquieu publishes “ On The Spirit Of Laws”
    “ On The Spirit Of Laws” Is a text that explains Montesquieus point of view on balance between power and separation of powers. This may sound familiar because it was used in the US constitution. It was written by Baron de Montesquieu in 1748.
  • Catherine the Great comes to power

    Catherine the Great comes to power
    People we not happy with the way Peter the Great ruled. Therefore they put Catherine the great onto the thrown. She stressed art and education. She kept the westernization of Russia going.
  • The October days

    The October days
    The kind was thought to be surrounded by evil advisors. Because of this he was moved to Paris away from Versailles. They then became virtual prisoners.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    At the beginning of the revolution the revolutionaries needed ammunition. Therefore the chose to storm the lightly guarded reused prison that now held many tons of gun powder. They were successful in this endeavor and this fueled the rest of the revolution
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    In this declaration they declared their human rights to liberty, property and the right to fight agains appression. While this was happening Thomas Jefferson was in France. He is one of the main primary sources we have of this even.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    This constitution had many democratic features. It limited the monarchy. It abolished feudalism and created an independent judiciary. All laws were created and to be created by the legislative assembly.
  • The Brunswick manifesto

    The Brunswick manifesto
    This manifesto said that if the royal family was harmed Paris would be leveled. The fresh would then not only be fighting the revolution but also other countries. France could not afford this which forced them to tolerate the monarchy.
  • The first battery

    The first battery
    Alessandro Volta invented the Voltaic Pile and found the first practical method of generating electricity. He made a device of alternating discs of zinc and copper with pieces of cardboard soaked in brine between the metals, the Voltaic Pile produced electrical current. It was the first wet cell battery.
  • Abolition of the Slave Trade Act

    Abolition of the Slave Trade Act
    The Abolition of the Slave Trade Act banned all buying and selling of slaves in Britain. This act though didn’t free slaves who were already owned by a person.
  • Battle of Borodino

    Battle of Borodino
    This was a French win but with heavy losses. It was a battle between the French and Russians when Napoleon attempted to conquer Russia. Though he won this battle he lost 70,000 men.
  • Napoleon Abdicates

    Napoleon Abdicates
    Napoleon lost the battle of Leipzig and allied forces gained control. They forced him to abdicate his crown and be relocated. He was exiled to the island of Elba but he eventually escaped and returned to attempt to regain power.
  • Napoleons 100 days

    Napoleons 100 days
    After Napoleon returned to France he attempted to regain he power. This failed however and he was exile again to the island of Saint Helena. The time he was fighting to regain control was nicknamed the 100 days due to the face it was around 100 days of Napoleon trying to become king once again.
  • Maine becomes the 23 state

    Maine becomes the 23 state
    On March 15, 1820 Maine became the 23 state of the United States of America. This allowed for Missouri to enter as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
  • Greece’s independence

    Greece’s independence
    Greece was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. In 1821 they got their independence and became their own country. This was the only revolution of the 1800s that was successful. And the day is now remembered as Greece’s Independence Day.
  • The Slavery Abolition Act

    The Slavery Abolition Act
    The Slavery Abolition Act came after the Abolition of slave trade. This act started the movement forward to freeing the slaves who were slaves before the trade band. This took a long time to fully free all slaves but it was the last big step to freeing all slaves in Britain.
  • Colt revolver

    Colt revolver
    The colt revolver was made by Samuel colt. It was patented in February 1835. But he produced the first revolver in March of that year. This was the first revolving hand gun.
  • John Deere Steel Plow

    John Deere Steel Plow
    John deer created the first steel plow. This plow allowed for faster more efficient farming, which allowed for the farmers using it to produce more crop which produced more money. This invention greatly helped the farming community.
  • Victoria comes to the throne

    Victoria comes to the throne
    Queen Victoria came to thrown at age 18. She took power after all of her fathers brothers died so no one else was up to take the thrown. Her coronation was a year after this so she reall became queen at age 19.
  • Slavery is abolished in the British empire.

    Slavery is abolished in the British empire.
    Slavery is abolished in the British empire on August 1, 1838. The slavery abolition act was passed and started the movement of freeing slaves who were owned. Another act was passed before and it banned the trade and selling of slaves in the British empire.
  • London-Birmingham line opens

    London-Birmingham line opens
    London-Birmingham line opens and the railway boom starts. This enabled for a full 112-mile line to be opened and used. This line was the first to railway to be built into the capital city. It also started the boom of railways.
  • Chinas Opium War

    Chinas Opium War
    The Europeans had begun to sell opium to china because they wanted to trade with China more than China wanted to trade with them. This made the Chinese people get addicted to opium and allowed for a constant flow of trade between the two countries. Since China disapproved a war broke out one this subject. But eventually the Europeans won and forced China to continue to buy opium and legalize the use and selling of opium.
  • Morse's first electronic telegram

    Morse's first electronic telegram
    Samuel Morse created Morse code and the telegram system. This system allowed for messages to be sent across the country at a seemingly insane speed through a combination of taps on a machine. This revolutionized the way of communication in the US.
  • Empress of India

    Empress of India
    Britain had a great love for its Indian colony. Its importance was shown in 1876 when Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli made Queen Victoria the "empress of India". Everything in India was calm until 1898 when a man instituted some unpopular policies and the nationalist government of India began to stir. India finally won its independence in 1947.
  • Singer sewing machine

    Singer sewing machine
    Isaac Merritt singer patented the first efficient sewing machine on August 12th, 1851. Though he did not create the first sewing machine he made one that was highly effective compare to competition.
  • Australia overrun by the Chinese which creates new laws.

    Australia overrun by the Chinese which creates new laws.
    In Australia at this time were extremely racist against the Chinese that had begun to immigrate to Australia. This denomination began moving to Australia in search of gold. Even after the first law was passed against the Chinese didn’t stop them from continuing to flood in. The number of Chinese reached 50,000 people.
  • Sepoy mutiny in Meerut and Delhi

    Sepoy mutiny in Meerut and Delhi
    The Sepoy mutiny was a violent uprising against the British who ruled in India at this time. a large number of Sepoys refused to use the new animal fat covered cartriges and revolted. These attacks were violent and heartless and they even went after women and children. Eventually a revolt was held in Delhi and was won and Delhi remained led by rebels for a while.
  • The Pony Express

    The Pony Express
    The Pony Express was a way to transport mail by horse in the most efficient way possible. Sadly it only lasted for 18 months and finished when the telegraph cam along a little bit after.
  • Rapid fire machine gun

    Rapid fire machine gun
    Doctor Richard Gatling patented the Gatling Gun in 1861. It is a six-barreled weapon that was able to fire 200 rounds per minute. The Gatling gun was a hand-driven, crank-operated machine gun. The first machine gun with reliable loading, the Gatling gun had the ability to fire sustained multiple bursts.
  • Queen Victoria’s husband dies

    Queen Victoria’s husband dies
    Prince Albert, died at the age of just 42. The death of queen Victoria’s husband had a monumental affect on her and her empires life style. They were all swept up in grief and death which became a large part of the periods lifestyle.
  • Meiji revolt

    Meiji revolt
    The Meiji revolt was a time where the current government, the shogun, was over thrown. This led the Japanese government and culture through drastic changes and reforms in their culture. Some things that were affected were the military which established the army and navy to be loyal to the new government. Also social reform which caused the westernization of laws and advancement of schools and education.
  • Berlin Confernce

    Berlin Confernce
    The Berlin Conference also known as the Congo Conference was held to discuss the regulation of reopen colonization and trade in Africa. This took place in the New Imperialism period. It was called because reopen powers had begin to over colonize and overpower the African self-government.
  • The First “Car”

    The First “Car”
    Karl Benz invented the first car that was powered by an internal combustion engine, and Gottlieb Daimler made the first motorcycle with a gasoline engine. Though Karl Benz made the first so called “car” later Ford got the mistaken recognition for it because he made cars affordable.
  • Birth and childhood of Hitler

    Birth and childhood of Hitler
    Hitler was born in Austria on April 20, 1889. He was 1 of 6 kid s of a which 3 died early on. His father was a customs official named Alois Schickelgruber Hitler and his wife Klara Hitler. It is we’ll known that Hitler was ver close with his mother.
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    This war was fought between Britain and self-governing Dutch settlers in Africa. the British met opposition when they attempted to make land claims in Africa. When the boers wouldn't give up the land war broke out. The boers greatly outnumbered the British and they evenually won and have been a self governing union since.
  • Tsushima battle

    Tsushima battle
    During the Russo-Japanese War, the Russian Fleet is nearly destroyed at the Battle of Tsushima Strait. The Japanese has more advanced navel powers and easily won this battle. In the Treaty of Portsmouth, Russia acknowledged Japan as the dominant power in Korea and gave up Port Arthur, and the Liaotung Peninsula to Japan. This was a massive win for the Japanese and startling because no one expected the Japanese to defeat the Russians.
  • The Schlieffen plan

    The Schlieffen plan
    The Schlieffen plan was a military plan created by Germany. They planned on quickly and quietly invading France and defeating them Andy hen madness ovine to fight Russia on the other side. This was to avoid splitting their forces but it failed and on both sides they fell into trench ware fare n
  • Hitlers military service

    Hitlers military service
    Hitler left Austria at 24 to avoid mandatory military service. After he entered Germany he decided to fight for Germany in World War I. He ended up holding the rank of corporal. He was a regimental messenger as well which was not an easy job.
  • Assasination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand’s was assasinated in his car while driving through the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. This act sparked the beginning of WWI. This began a war between these two countries which in turn dragged in all of their allies and their colonies which ended up snowballing into WWI.
  • First use of Poison gas war fare

    First use of Poison gas war fare
    The first use of poison gas was used in the Battle of Second Ypres by the Germans. They used chlorine gas on the Canadians. But while some fled out of fear most stood their ground and continued fighting.
  • The Gallipoli campaign

    The Gallipoli campaign
    This campaign took place on the Gallipoli peninsula. It was a joint force between the British and French to capture the Ottoman capital. Also to secure a sea route Tom Russia so that they have a safe connection between allies. It failed with many casualties.
  • Mata Hari

    Mata Hari
    Mata Hari was accused of being a spy for the Germans. She was executed without full evidence but later some German documents were opened that exposed her as a german spy.
  • The Easter Rising

    The Easter Rising
    The General Post Office was overrun by revolutionary nationalists in Dublin Ireland. This ended in Ireland an independent republic. But the British army imrisoned and executed the revolutionists. But before WW1 the Irish were promised they would have home rule over their country but was held off because of the war.
  • Rasputin’s Death

    Rasputin’s Death
    Felix Yusupove was the main conspirator of Rasputin’s death. He tried to poison him first but that failed so he attempted to shoot him and it looked like he was dead but he was not. So they shot him again through the head rapped him in a carpet Andy threw him into the river. Later the autopsy stated that he was alive for a while after being thrown in to icy river.
  • Death of the Czar and his family

    Death of the Czar and his family
    The Czar was forced to abdicate and was taken prisoner by the Bolsheviks and was constantly moved around. They had to be moved around to avoid being saved by the white army of czar supporters. They were placed in a house in the cellar by firing squad. The women took longer to die because the had diamonds sewed into their dresses so they were killed by bayonet.
  • Hitler joins and creates the Nazi party

    Hitler joins and creates the Nazi party
    After hitler joined a German workers party and wanted to go bigger and better. The plat form of his party was 25 points where he revoked the Versailles treaty, the civil rights of Jews and any war profits.
  • Lenin’s death

    Lenin’s death
    Lenin, leader of the bolsheviks who ran Russia dies from a cerebral hemorrhage. This shook Russia’s power system and led to the political war between Trotsky and Stalin. In the end Stalin won the power of the people and this led to one of the most gruesome times of and country.
  • The cash on Wall Street

    The cash on Wall Street
    The Wall street crash hit the Germans hard. America lost billions of dollars and went into debt. Since Germany was depending on America for funds to pay off their debts this was a serious hit to their economy and made an already bad situation worse.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Poland was invaded by Germany in September of 1939. Poland was currently controlled by the USSR who had neutral agreement between them and Germany. So when Germany invaded it broke that agreement and is considered to be the start of World War 2.
  • Auschwitz opening

    Auschwitz opening
    Auschwitz was the poster child of the death camps in WWII. It had four gas chambers and crematoriums. They killed almost 1 million people in that camp. This camp is the most well known death camp in all of Germany and Poland.
  • Dunkirk evacuation

    Dunkirk evacuation
    300,000 soldiers were trapped and surrounded by the German army at Dunkirk and had to wait to escape by boat to return home alive. Dunkirk was held for a few vital days which allowed for reinforcements to help evacuate the British soldiers stuck at Dunkirk.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was bombed by a Japanese raid. The Harbor is located in Hawaii and had a large amount of ships and air craft stationed there’s. The raid wasn’t completely unexpected and there were many casualties. Though there were deaths that’s was not the main goal of the Japanese. The goal was to destroy the navy ships and aircrafts there. This act of violence drove the US to join WWII.
  • The battle of Stalingrad

    The battle of Stalingrad
    Stalingrad was a major city for the USSR and was used as a communication industrial center. For weeks the Germans pressed Stalingrad but it wasn’t winter and the Germans were wearing their summer uniforms. Also the troops were starving and the German said decided to surrender after being trapped inside the city. This was a turning point for the allies and isn’t considered one of the most important battles of WWII.
  • The final solution

    The final solution
    The Final Solution wasn’t when the Germans decided they needed to completely wipe out the Jews. Reinhard Heydrich was ordered to start it by Herman Goering. So he set up a meeting of t the ops 15 Germans officials and came to the conclusion that they would attempt to exterminate all the Jewish population which came out to be around 11 million people.
  • Stalins death

    Stalins death
    Stalin died at age 74 because of a stroke. Many people mourned the cruel leader either out of continuous fear or for some out of love for their “beloved” leader. This was the end of a torturous era for Russian people. He is on record of killing 1 million of his own people directly. And about 12 million other brutal deaths.