
  • Jan 1, 1016

    Canute, Danish king, conquered England

    This led to the Angelo-Saxons and Vikings molding together.
  • Jan 1, 1042

    Edward the Confessor became King

    Edward the Confessor was Alfred the Great's decendant.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    Edward the Confessor died

    He died without an heir. This led to an invasion becuase there was a great conflict for the throne.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    William the duke of Normandy invaded England.

    This occured after King Edward the Confessor's death.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    This battle was between the Normans and the Angelo-Saxons. During this battle, Harold was killed by an arrow which led to the Normans winning. After the Normans won, William kept parts of England and granted the other parts to Norman lords who swore their loyalty to him. This was the foundation for centralized government in England.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1154 to Jan 1, 1189

    Henry II, King of England, ruled

    During his rule, King Henry II strengthened royal courts, He annually sent royal judges to different regions. King Henry II also Introduced a jury in court.
  • Jan 1, 1155

    King Henry II married Eleanor of Aquaitaine

    Becuase of this marriage, King Henry II gained a big part of France.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1189 to Jan 1, 1199

    Richard the Lionhearted took the throne.

    He took the throne after Henry II, his father.
  • Period: Jan 17, 1199 to Jan 17, 1216

    John took the throne

    Richard had eventually died. Afterwards, John, his younger brother, took the throne. John was a bad military leader. He lost many of the lands that his Kingdom had worked to conquer such as parts of France. He wasn't a kind ruler either. John tried to take extra money from his people as well as alienting the church.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Due to King John's poor leadership skills, the nobles revolted. They forced John to sign the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta ensured a jury trial and protection of the law. Most importantly, the Magna Carta said, "No taxation without Representation."
  • Nov 1, 1295

    Model Parliament

    The Model Parliament was created when knights, burgesses, bishops, and lords met in Westminister, London. This was a model to future kings becuase this parliament was filled with all different types of people ranging from commoners to lords.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to Jan 1, 1400

    House of Lords and House of Commons formed

    When a new tax was needed, the King called the knights and burgesses. Eventually two houses formed the House of Commons, the knights and burgesses, and the House of Lords, the nobles and bishops.
  • Danish Vikings raided Britain

    Churches had special prayers due the fear the vikings created with their raids.
  • Period: to

    Alfred the Great was able to rid of the Vikings

    Alfred the Great, the Angelo-Saxon king, was able to rid of the invaders. Afterwards, he unified the Kingdom.