Emily's life

  • I was born

    I was born
    Llevine children hospital I was born on March 12, 2001. The hospital I was born at was the Levin Childrens hospital in Charlotte NC. I was 5lbs and 3oz. I was also born pre mature.
  • 9/11

    9/11 I was 6 months old when 9/11 happened. It was a terroist attack. It was bad a lot of people died.
  • My dad died

    My dad died
    My dad died when I was 2 years old. His name was Donald Freeman but everyone called him Don. He died on June 21, 2002. He died from lung cancer. I miss him every day.
  • My dog died

    My dog died
    German Sheperds My dog died when I was 4, almost 5. My mom had Shadow before I was even born. She is a German Shepard and she was like a couple years old.
  • My sister was born

    My sister was born
    Gaston Memorial My sisters name is Brooklyn but we call her Brooke.She is 8 years old now. She was a chubby baby but she was the cutest baby I have ever seen.
  • The first black president

    The first black president
    Barack Obama Barack Obama is the first black president. He is the 44th president. He has 2 kids.
  • My favorite show The Walking Dead come out

    My favorite show The Walking Dead come out
    The Walking Dead The walking dead is my favorite show ever. It is about people that are trying to servive since there is a zombie apocalypse happening. There has been 6 season so far. Season 7 come out in October so I can't wait.
  • Started middle school

    Started middle school
    Mt. Holly Middle School <a I started middle school on August 25 2012. I thought middle school was interesting. 8th grade was my favorite year in middle school. I went to Mt Holly Middle.
  • My cat Stinker died

    My cat Stinker died
    Black cats My cat Stinker was such a nice, and sweet cat. She was 17 years old when died. She was deaf and had no teeth. She passed away by being hit by a car.
  • The Ebola outbreak

    The Ebola outbreak
    Ebola The Ebola outbreak happened in West Africa. It killed a lot of people. It killed thousands of people.
  • First day of High school

    First day of High school
    East Gaston High School I started high school at East Gaston. It is a good school I quess.I made new friends. It has good sports team.
  • A great country music legend died

    A great country music legend died
    The death of Merle Haggard Merle Haggard died on his 79 birthday. He was a great country music legend. He had 3 dozen number one hits. He died from Pneumonia.