Early Civilizations

By Walden1
  • 10,000 BCE

    Natural Land Bridges

    Natural Land Bridges
    The natural land bridges that began forming from Asia to North America as early as 30,000BC are again covered in water.
  • 7000 BCE

    Planting in Mexico

    Planting in Mexico
    7000 BC Is when people started planting in Mexico
  • 1300 BCE

    The Olmec Civilization developed along the Gulf Coast of Mexico.

    The Olmec Civilization developed along the Gulf Coast of Mexico.
    The Olmec civilization developed specialized jobs and became farmers, fishers, artists, sculptors, and priests.
  • 1100 BCE

    the Aztec leader formed a three way alliance with the Texcocans and the Tacubans to conquer their rivals

    the Aztec leader formed a three way alliance with the Texcocans and the Tacubans to conquer their rivals
  • 1000 BCE

    The mound builders built the city of Cahokia lived along the Mississippi River.

    The mound builders built the city of Cahokia lived along the Mississippi River.
  • 400 BCE

    The Mayans were the most complex society in South America.

    The Mayans were the most complex society in South America.
  • 300 BCE

    the Adena were one of the first mound builders.

    the Adena were one of the first mound builders.
  • 100

    the Adena and the hopewell mound builders lived near the Ohio river.

    the Adena and the hopewell mound builders lived near the Ohio river.
  • 200

    The Anasazi tribe lived by around the Four Corners area

    The Anasazi tribe lived by around the Four Corners area
  • 200

    The Mayans made cornbread from ground corn.

    The Mayans made cornbread from ground corn.
  • 300

    the Hopewell Mound Builders were inhabitants of North America

    the Hopewell Mound Builders were inhabitants of North America
  • 900

    The Mississippians created beautiful pottery and jewelry

    The Mississippians created beautiful pottery and jewelry
  • 1000

    the Cahokia tribe lived along the Mississippi river.

    the Cahokia tribe lived along the Mississippi river.
  • 1100

    The Aztecs wandered into the Valley of Mexico.

    The Aztecs wandered into the Valley of Mexico.
    The Aztecs drained the swamp, built artificial islands, and established a foundation.
  • 1300

    The Anasazi stated to leave the cliff dwellings

    The Anasazi stated to leave the cliff dwellings
  • 1325

    the Anasazi moved to an area around Lake Texcoco, called Tenochtitlan

    the Anasazi moved to an area around Lake Texcoco, called Tenochtitlan
  • 1400

    The Inca Empire started as a small tribe in the Andes Mountains and became the largest empire of its time.

    The Inca Empire started as a small tribe in the Andes Mountains and became the largest empire of its time.
  • 1400

    The Inuit people lived in the Northernmost part of North America.

    The Inuit people lived in the Northernmost part of North America.
  • 1492

    Columbus landed in North America.

    Columbus landed in North America.
  • 1532

    The Incas were weakened by the civil war which caused their end.

    The Incas were weakened by the civil war which caused their end.