Birth date
B.B. King was born on September 16, 1925 with the birth name of Riley King. He was born to Albert King and Nora Ella Farr in a small cabin outside of Berclair. He was soon given the nickname B.B. King. -
In the summer of 1935 Nora, B.B. King's mother, dies at the young age of 25. B.B. King was only 9 years old when she passed away. -
In 1950 B.B. King is recorded by Modern Records at Memphis Recording Services. -
He leaves the roster of DJ's at WDIA because the road has to big of a claim on his time. -
B.B. King forms his first big "B.B. King Band" and buys first bus, then names it "Big Red". -
B.B. King won his first grammy for " Best Rythm and Blues Vocal Performance, Male : 'Thrill Is Gone'. -
They start the ground breaking for the B.B. King Museum to be built in Indianola, Mississippi. -
Medal of Freedom
President George W. Bush awards B.B. King with the Medal of Freedom(highest civilian award).