Charlotte's web pic

Charlotte's Web

By mcgarrk
  • Wilbur is moved to Zuckerman's Farm. How does he feel?

    Wilbur is moved to Zuckerman's Farm. How does he feel?
    1. Answer the question with your partner. Make sure to include your EVIDENCE. What does the character say, do, or think to make you infer that?
    2. Visualize the barn where Wilbur lives. What other animals are there?
    3. Click here to draw a picture of his barn. Remember include at least two of the other animals in the barn! You may print when you are done.
  • Wilbur meets Charlotte for the first time. What does he think?

    Wilbur meets Charlotte for the first time. What does he think?
    1. Answer the question with your partner. Make sure to include EVIDENCE!
    2. Click here to watch a video of a spider making its web. Write down at least 2 facts that you learned.
  • Wilbur decides he likes Charlotte! Why does he change his mind?

    Wilbur decides he likes Charlotte! Why does he change his mind?
    Answer the question. Use evidence.
  • Wilbur finds out he's going to die. What does Charlotte do?

    Wilbur finds out he's going to die. What does Charlotte do?
    Answer the question. Use evidence.
  • Charlotte thinks of an idea to save Wilbur. What is it?

    Charlotte thinks of an idea to save Wilbur. What is it?
    Answer the quesiton. Use evidence.
  • Charlotte sends Templeton to the dump for... what?

    Charlotte sends Templeton to the dump for... what?
    1. Answer the question with your partner.
    2. Think of a word that you would like for Charlotte to put into her web. Tell me the word and tell me why you chose it! Then draw a picture of the word in the web.
  • Wilbur goes to the fair. Who goes with him? Why?

    Wilbur goes to the fair. Who goes with him? Why?
    Answer the question. Use evidence.
  • Charlotte makes her last word in the web. What does it mean?

    Charlotte makes her last word in the web. What does it mean?
    1. Answer the question.
    2. Think of someone in your life that is humble. Who is it? Why do you think they are humble? Talk about it with your partner and then write down your answer. Use at least 4 complete sentences.
  • Wilbur wins a prize. What happens on stage?

    Wilbur wins a prize. What happens on stage?
    Answer the question. Use evidence.
  • Charlotte dies.... Why does Wilbur get upset at Templeton?

    Charlotte dies.... Why does Wilbur get upset at Templeton?
    1. Answer the question. Use evidence.
    2. Go here. Log on. Read about wolf spiders. Do you think Charlotte was a wolf spider? Why or why not? Give me at least 2 reasons. Write in complete sentences.
  • Charlotte's babies are born. So why is Wilbur sad?

    Charlotte's babies are born. So why is Wilbur sad?
    1. Answer the question. Use evidence.
  • Three of the spiders stay. How do they choose their names?

    Three of the spiders stay. How do they choose their names?
    1. Answer the question. Use evidence.
    2. Visualize the three new spiders in the doorway. Draw it here. Print when you are done.