Chapter 11

  • Dutch settle in Africa

    The Dutch East India company, they set up a base at Cape Cod for Good Hope. They settled here because their was a shipwreck, anf the people who lived through it went a shore and set up a village.
  • The Great Trek Trail

    The Great Trek trail was used by the Boers. The Boers were the Dutch later called the Boers, because they were the first people to settle in Africa. They used the trail to transport good, but later the trail was used by the British, when they forces the Boer people out of their home lands.
  • Slave Trade

    As trades with Europe increased, it also increased the trade of slaves from Africa.
  • Europe Trades with Africaa

    Europeans trades with Africa, and then it become a well- established trade.
  • The Boer war

    The Boer war
    Diamonds and gold were found in southern Africa. So people from other countries people flooded in. The Boer people tried to keep the country to themselves. The war was blamed on the British, because they tried to rebell agianst them, and it failed.
  • David Livingstone

    Dr. David Livingstone was a Scottish Missionary who went to Africa in search of medical research.He was thought to be dead after he had gone missing.
  • Suez Canal opens

    Suez Canal opens
    The Suez Canal is located in Egypt, it connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Suez. The reason why its so important is because it is the fastest way across the sea.
  • Henry Stanley Searchs

    Henry Stanley was hired to search for Dr. David Livinstone, when he had gone missing in Africa. Stanley was sent off in his search of Dr. Livingstone, the two finally met when Stanley had found Livingstone, in the jungle of Africa, Livingstone had then married one of the women from the tribe he had been living with.
  • British take Transvaal

    There was still tension between the British and the Boers after they had mirgrated north. They had mirgrated to the region between Orange and Vaal River. The British Govener of Cape Colony orderd the British army to take the region in which the Boers were in, this then caused another fight.
  • Battle of Islandwana

    At the battle of Islandwana, it was 20,000 Zulu natives, who fought against about 850 British army. There was only about 55 British left, this was a huge win the for Zulus Natives.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    The Boer took place in Africa, but it mostly was a European war as well. The Europeans fought amoung themselves over land in Africa. When cailming the land they paid little to no attention about the historical divisions.
  • Leopold's Rule

    During his rule, he expolited Africans, he also treated them horribly. Over 10 million people died within the 23 years, they died due to disease.
  • Ethiopia

    The ruler of Ethiopia Menelik 2nd. Ethiopia was the only country in Africa to succesfully resisit Europeans. The way this was possible that he played the French, Italians, and British against each other. They all wanted to bring Ethiopia into their control, while they were fighting amunst themselves he bulit up their own resisitance.
  • The US annexes Hawaii

    The monarchy was overthrew by bussiness men and sugar farmers. They forced Queen Liliuokalani to abdicate. Then two years later the US claimed it.
  • The United States takes control over Phillippines

    The United States takes control over the Phillippines. They took it over because of the war that broke out between the Americans and the Filpions. It happened because the two days before the US ratified the treaty.
  • The 2nd Boer war

    The Boers started the war on the British at Natal and Cape Colony. This was the first time that Guerilla warafare was introduce. The British burned down farms, houses, crops, poisoned wells of the Boer people.
  • Tons of Gold

    In 1907, the British colonies in South Africa were producing 1/3 of world's gold probuction and exportation.
  • South Africa Act of 1909

    They declared Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal, and Orange Free State as the union South Africa.
  • Union of South Africa

    When the Union of South Africa was created. It was to become a fully self-governing dominion with the British Empire.
  • Most of Africa is under control of Europe

    By this time most of Africa had been taken under control by European powers, There were at this time only few countries that had managed to stay free of the control.