Camp David Accords

  • Israel became independent

    Israel became independent
    The Unite nations voted to divide the administration of the mandate territory, with the local Arab community authorities to adminiter one portion.
  • Suez Canal Crisis

    Suez Canal Crisis
    A major international accident that happened in the year of 1956 from the descion of Gamal A Nasser to nationalize the canal.
  • Six day war

    Six day war
    The six day war was fought between June 5th and June 10th, the war was between Syria, Jordan, and Eygpt.
  • Yom Kippur War

    Yom Kippur War
    This is one of two high holy Jewish days, the purpose of this is to bring about reconciliation between people and between individuals and God.
  • Egypt & the Soviet Union

    Egypt & the Soviet Union
    Egypt ruined their treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union.
  • James Earl Carter was elected US president

    James Earl Carter was elected US president
    James Earl Carter, a buisness man from Georgia was elected to the Georgia House of Reps until his death.
  • Anwar Sadat

    Anwar Sadat
    Anwar addressed the Israeli parliment and declared that it was time to reach a peace agreement to settle all the questions.
  • Menachem and Anwar

    Menachem and Anwar
    Menachem and Anwar Sadat won the Noble Peace Prize, which they won because they signed a peace treaty with Egypt.
  • Sadat and Israeli

    Sadat and Israeli
    Sadat and Israeli Premier Menachem begin signing the Camp David Accords.
  • Arab League and Egypt

    Arab League and Egypt
    Arab League denounced Egypt, they have had a history of not getting along.
  • Israreli-Egyptian treaty

    Israreli-Egyptian treaty
    Israreli-Egyptian treaty completed and signed.
  • Israeli withdraws

    Israeli withdraws
    Israelis began to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula.
  • Israeli forces leave

    Israeli forces leave
    Israeli forces left the Sinai Peninsula.