Byzantine timeline

By Teide
  • Period: 300 to Sep 15, 1500

    Byzantine timeline

  • 330

    Emperor Constantine I founded the Byzantine capital

    Emperor Constantine I founded the Byzantine capital
    Constantine I founded the city of constanople which it the capital city of the Byzantine empire. He named the city Constantinople after himself.
  • 532

    Nika riots

    Nika riots
    The Nika riots took place over the course of a week they were the most violent riots in the history of Constantinople.
  • 533

    Belisarius military campaigns

    Belisarius military campaigns
    Belisaruis was a general that commanded a attack against the vandal kingdom. He went on his expedition to retake the former western Roman Empire that the vandals had taken less than a century prior to the expedition.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia completed

    Hagia Sophia completed
    In 532 after the destruction of the second basilica emperor Justinian I decided to build a third but this one he wanted bigger and better than the other two so he had columns and other marbles brought from around the empire.
  • Sep 18, 1000

    Emperor basil II military conquests of Bulgaria

    Emperor basil II military conquests of Bulgaria
    In 1000 general nikeporos xiphias took the Bulgarian capital of great preslav. Then in 1001 basil was able to regain control of vodena, verrhoia, and servia.
  • Sep 18, 1054

    Great schism

    Great schism
    The great schism was the break up of what are now the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches. Thier break up happened because the two side didn't agree on several things. For example one side wanted to use leavened bread in the church and the other wanted to use unleavened bread.
  • Jan 1, 1204

    The fourth crusade

    The fourth crusade
    The fourth crusade was a European quest ordered by pope innocent III that was intended to conquer Jerusalem but instead resulted in a conqure of the city of Constantinople by the crusaders. This happened because alexios angelos wanted to restore his father as emperor so he promised the crusaders financial and military support if they did it for him.
  • Sep 18, 1453

    The fall of Constantinople

    The fall of Constantinople
    The fall of Constantinople was official after a 53 day attack from an army of the Ottoman Empire lead by mehmed the conqueror. This capture of condtantinople and two other Byzantine territories was the end of the Byzantine empire.