
Block 2 World History 2017

  • Period: 1095 to 1291

    Crusades are Fought

    Christians from Europe fought muslims for control of Jursalem. Christians tried to retake control of the holy land. Approximately two-thirds of the ancient Christian world had been conquered by Muslims by the end of the 11th century.The Crusades were also a development of popular religious life and feeling in Europe.
  • 1300

    Renaissance Begins

    Renaissance Begins
    Renaissance was a huge period in european time. Renaissance was a time when modern age started to come in play. It started as a cultural movement in Italy and spread all across Europe.
  • 1337

    100 Year War Begins

    100 Year War Begins
    The hundred year war was a series of conflicts. It was a war between the rulers of England against house of valois. It was a long fight but the french won.
  • 1346

    Black Death Begins In Europe

    Black Death Begins In Europe
    The black death was a huge horrific moment for europe. The black death was caused by disease from rats. The black death wiped out over 70% of the population of Europe.
  • 1431

    Joan Of Arc Burned At Stake

    Joan Of Arc Burned At Stake
    Charles sent Joan to the seige of orleans as part of a relief mission. From there she was kidnapped by the english during the 100 years of war. After found guilty she was burned at the stake at 19 years old.
  • 1440

    Joohannes Gutenbarg Printing Press

    Joohannes Gutenbarg Printing Press
    He used movable metal letters. Allowed people to have access to more literature. The first thing he published was the bible. Made the bible cheaper and easier to access. He also inspired exploration with Martin Luther.
  • 1477

    Michelangelo begins painting the sistine chapel

    Michelangelo begins painting the sistine chapel
    He started painting the sistine chapel in 1477, the sistine chapel has several different styles of paintings on it. It also has a whole different religious beliefs. It will go down as one of the greatest paintings ever.
  • Nov 1, 1478

    Start Of The Spanish Inquisition

    Start Of The Spanish Inquisition
    The spanish inquisition was intended to rise catholics and replace the medieval inquisition. It was also to identify the heretics among those who converted from Judaism and Islam to Catholicism.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus Lands in the New World

    Christopher Columbus Lands in the New World
    Christopher Columbus sailed through a lot of the new world without even knowing. He tried to sail to Eastern Asia, but he fell into the caribbeans and other new lands. He later died in 1506 unknowingly.
  • Period: 1492 to

    Columbian Exchange

    the columbian exchange was an exchange for goods from the americas to europe. They traded animals for goods and foods. The columbian exchange also didn't end well, they gave europeans native americans. The native americans carried diseases to Europe.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa Completed

    Mona Lisa Completed
    The Mona Lisa was created by Leonardo Da Vinci. He painted the Mona Lisa in 1503 and it is now one of the best paintings of all time. It is the most visited painting of all time and the best known.
  • Period: 1509 to 1547

    King Henry Vlll Reign

    King Henry is best known for having so many wives. King Henry has had six marriages in his lifetime. He kept on getting a divorce because he wanted a boy, so after he died he can take over. King Henry was the first ever King to get a divorce from his wife.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther post 95 theses

    Martin Luther post 95 theses
    Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses in 1517. The ninety five theses was a book he wrote about questions and propositions of debate. Martin Luther was trying to bring back christianity with the 95 theses book.
  • 1519

    Cortez Conquers the Aztecs

    Cortez Conquers the Aztecs
    Cortez invaded Mexico and conquered the aztecs in 1519. He conquered the Aztecs to take over the land for Spain. He also wanted to convert the natives to christianity.
  • 1532

    The Prince

    The "prince" is a book created by Niccolo Machiavelli. He created this book to put his opinions and emotions about what's going on in the country or world at the time. His book eventually became really famous.
  • Period: 1533 to 1547

    Ivan The Terrible's Reign

    During his time ruling he changed russia from a medieval country to an empire. During hi reign russia conquered a lot of lands. He was also the founder of the "Moscow Print Yard" it was Russia's first publishing house.
  • Period: 1545 to

    Counter Reformation

    The counter reformation was also called the "Catholic Reformation" was a response to the protestant reformation. They begin training priests and started going back to their church traditions. This reformation helped the catholics become closer.
  • 1555

    Peace Of Augsburg

    Peace Of Augsburg
    The peace of augsburg was a settlement within the holy roman empire. Each prince had to determine if they wanted Lutheranism or Roman Catholicism. Dissenters were allowed to emigrate, and the free cities were obligated to allow both Catholics and Lutherans to practice their religions. Calvinists and others were ignored.
  • Period: 1558 to

    Queen Elizabeth's Reign

    Queen Elizabeth was the queen from 1558 until she died. She was the last monarch of the house of Tudor. Everyone called her the "Virgin Queen." Elizabeth was one of the best monarchs of England her reign was called the "Elizabeth's period."
  • Spanish Armada

    Spanish Armada
    The Spanish Armada was a Spanish fleet of 130 ships that sailed from La Coruña in August 1588, under the command of the Duke of Medina Sidonia with the purpose of escorting an army from Flanders to invade England.
  • Edict Of Nantes

    Edict Of Nantes
    The Edict Of Nantes was signed in April of 1598 by King Henry. granted the Calvinist Protestants of France substantial rights in the nation, which was still considered essentially Catholic at the time. Henry's idea of signing the papers was to help unity the city.
  • William Shakespeare's Death

    William Shakespeare's Death
    William Shakespeare was found dead on his 52nd birthday. That's when people think he died, the exact date is not known. Nobody knows how shakespeare died but they think he got drugged in his drink by a group of people he was with.
  • Petition Of Rights

    Petition Of Rights
    The Petition Of Rights is a major English constitutional document that sets out specific liberties of the subject that the king is prohibited from infringing. The Petition contains restrictions on non-Parliamentary taxation, forced billeting of soldiers, imprisonment without cause, and the use of martial law.
  • Period: to

    Slave Trade

    At least 10 million slaves were transported to Europe from the Americas between the 15th and 19th century. 1640 to 1680 was the time when slave trade got big in the british areas.
  • King Charles The First Executed

    King Charles The First Executed
    King Charles came in after his dad died in 1649. He was a protestant but betrayed them when he married a catholic princess. Once he married her the protestants started hating him ands that let to the English War. During the English War he got executed by the protestants.