Birth of the State of Israel

  • Background

    The Arabs and Jews in Israel have a very long history of fighting over land and differences of religion. This goes back into biblical times as they have a lot in common like both wanting the same spiritually significant monuments. This has caused many acts of violence between them and the acts in the timeline only skim the surface of significant events. This thousand year old tension seems to prevent them living harmoniously.
  • British Mandate for Palestine

    British Mandate for Palestine
    Great Britain recieves control over Palestine in negotiations after WW1 about power in the Middle East. It was recognised that the Arabs had some independence
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    The Balfour Declaration was a claim from British Foreign Secutary Arther James Balfour that Great Britain supported the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine in a letter to Lord Rothschild. The Arabs did not approve of this idea
  • Jaffa Riots

    Jaffa Riots
    The Jaffa Riots were fighting between the Jews and arabs in Palestine that lasted from the 1st to the 7th of May. It was started when the Jewish people went on a march in protest of the Arabs wanting to end the British rule of Palestine. 97 were killed while 200 more were injured. Many of the injuries to the arabs were caused by British forces.
  • Western Wall Riots

    Western Wall Riots
    The Western Wall Riots was a dispute between the Arabs and Jews over the Western Wall. The Western Wall was constructed in 19 BCE in Jerusalem. The fight started because the Jews wanted access to the wall as it held a special significance in their religion. The wall was also important to the muslim's culture. About 250 were killed.
  • The Holcaust

    The Holcaust
    The Holocaust had an effect on the formation of the State of Israel because it greatly changed the lives of the Jewish people.They became desplaced as they tried to flee Germany for their own safety. Many wanted to return to Jerusulm which they concider their homeland after all that time.
  • Jewish Immigration Limits

    Jewish Immigration Limits
    During the year Britain created a limit for Jewish immigration to Jerusalem of 100,000 but many more were interested coming because they still concidered it to be their homeland and held a special significance to them in a dark time. The Arabs were not happy with this immigration and that year there were more bombings and acts of violence between the two.
    Both groups felt a spiritual connection to jerusalem and wanted ownership of sacred locations.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    WW2 had a huge effect on the world including Palestine. There were some temporary truces between the Jews and Arab as everyone had other things to keep them busy. The Arabs were split in allience. some supported the allies while other supported the Axis powers.
  • Change Of Mandate

    Change Of Mandate
    Great Britain hands the mandate of Palestine over the the United Nations
  • Partition Plan

    Partition Plan
    The United Nations general assembly vote to partition palestine into two seperate regions- jewish and arab. This allowed the Jews to return to their beloved homeland and have a fresh start in life. Now the UN also didn't worry about where they could immigrate to. The Arabs were not at all happy about this arrangement.
  • Formation of the State of Israel

    Formation of the State of Israel
    The Jewish People's Council gathered and formed the State Of Israel in Eretz Israel. It was to be once again the home of the Jews and they have some new independence.
  • State of Isreal is Invaded

    State of Isreal is Invaded
    The newly formed nation is invaded by arab countries such as Syria, Iraq and Egypt. It is the start of the War of Indepenence