Dna double helix

History of Biotechnology - Medicine - Vaccines

  • Period: to

    History of Biotechnology

  • 1902 Biologics Control Act

    1902 Biologics Control Act
    http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/WhatWeDo/History/CentennialofFDA/CentennialEditionofFDAConsumer/ucm096141.htm' >FDA Centennial Edition</a>
    In 1902, Congress passed an act, the Biologics Control Act, which created and empowered the Hygienic Laboratory of the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, the CBER`s predecessor. This agency issued regulations mandating the annual renewal of a producer`s liscense, which accompanied inspections, which could revoke a liscense. This was the first of its kind.
  • 1906- Pure Food and Drug Act

    1906- Pure Food and Drug Act
    http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/WhatWeDo/History/CentennialofFDA/CentennialEditionofFDAConsumer/ucm096141.htm' >FDA Centennial edition</a>
    In 1906, Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act, which outlawed any food or drugs, which had been contaminated or mixed with inferior or impure ingredients. However, the act did not include any mention of biological product, and a second act included biological organisms under the lable of "drugs." This Act went hand -in-hand with the 1902 act.
  • Peyton Rous discovers cancer causing virus

    Peyton Rous discovers cancer causing virus
    'http://http://centennial.rucares.org/index.php?page=Cancer' >Rockefeller University Article</a>
    Peyton Rous, an American pathologist, experimented with different tumors and found that a virus was the cause of the cancer. At the time, little was known about his research, and he was able to minimally interpret his findings, but his research led the way for most research after that point.
  • Alexander Flemming discovers penicillin

    Alexander Flemming discovers penicillin
    Alexander Flemming, a Scottish scientist, showed that by placing Penicillium rubens in an apropriate substrate, it would secrete penicillin, which has antibiotic properties. This was one of the first painkillers ever available which were truly effective. The demand was so high for the drug, many a time dialysis was used to recover the drug and it was recycled. Chemicals were later added to lengthen the time it was effective.
  • Bernice Eddy Develops Potency Test for Influenza Virus

    Bernice Eddy Develops Potency Test for Influenza Virus
    FDA Centennial
    - After the 1918 Influenza Outbreak, there were many vaccines developed in a haste, but there were no accurate means of testing these vaccines, and they were often ineffective. PhD Bernice Eddy created a method of testing the vaccines in the 1940`s, and the first vaccine was liscensed in 1945.
  • Vaccine Potency and Safety Determination Method

    Vaccine Potency and Safety Determination Method
    FDA Centennial Edition DR. Margaret Pittman, a researcher in the Laboratory of Biologics Control created a method to determine the potency and safety of a vaccine. The method was first created for the Pertussiss, or Whooping Cough vaccine. This method was implemented in the sale of vaccines based on the potency and safety.
  • Jonas Salk`s Polio vaccine became liscensed.

    Jonas Salk`s Polio vaccine became liscensed.
    FDA Centennial Edition
    • Jonas Salk was a virologist who developed and successfully tested the first inactive polio vaccine. Jonas Salk was sponsored under Franklin D. Roosevelt`s National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Under Salk`s clinical testing, 1.8 million children were innoculated, which is the largest clinical trial to date.
  • Rubella Vaccine Developed

    Rubella Vaccine Developed
    <http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/WhatWeDo/History/CentennialofFDA/CentennialEditionofFDAConsumer/ucm096141.htm' >FDA Centennial Edition</a> Paul D. Parkman, M.D., and Harry M. Meyer Jr., M.D. were scientists working in the NIH`s Division of Biologics Standards who were developers of the Rubella vaccine. The vaccine was developed after the 1964 German Measles outbreak, and liscensed for use in the U.S. in 1969. By 1988, there were only 225 cases in the United States, down from 13 million.
  • AIDS Blood Screening Test Kit

    AIDS Blood Screening Test Kit
    'http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/WhatWeDo/History/CentennialofFDA/CentennialEditionofFDAConsumer/ucm096141.htm' >FDA Centennial Edition</a> In the 1980`s, there was a large outbreak of AIDS. Blood donations were suspected of contributing to this because there were no AIDS testing kits at the time. CBER liscensed the first testing kit in 1985. The accuracy of the test has increased to 1 in 2 million since 2004. An orally administered (gum swab) rapid test has resulted in AIDS testing in 20 minutes.
  • Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Establishment

    Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Establishment