Overview history forerunner tenochtitlan mexico city

Aztec Civilization Timeline

  • 1300

    The Beginning of the Aztec Empire

    The Beginning of the Aztec Empire
    According to legend, the Aztecs believed they would find their homeland when they saw a sign, so they appeared in Mesoamerica around the early 13th century.
  • 1325

    Aztecs Established Their Capital

    Aztecs Established Their Capital
    When the Aztecs saw the sign of an eagle perched atop a cactus, they built their capital, Tenochititlán, near the southwest border of Lake Texcoco.
  • 1428

    Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    The Aztecs formed a triple alliance with two other groups in order to conquer the city of Montezuma and defeat their common enemies.
  • 1519

    Aztec Empire is Most Powerful

    Aztec Empire is Most Powerful
    The Aztec Empire became the most powerful Mesoamerican kingdom of all time.
  • 1521

    The End of the Aztec Empire

    The End of the Aztec Empire
    The Aztec Empire starts its demise when half the population is killed by smallpox then Hernán Cortés and his men conquer the civilization's territory.