Avid Project

  • 9th grade

    Exams- AP Human geography, US History, Geometry, Algebra 1, English 1, Biology.
    Credits- You will need 6 credits in order to graduate,
    Clubs- You can join any club you want, but here are some I found. The Avid club, Orchestra club, and Band Club
    Avg Homework- You get homework from all of your classes nearly everyday. Mostly its work, sometimes its reading and doing cornell notes.
    Educational Opp.- You need to do around 5 hours of community service.
  • 10th grade

    Exams- Algebra 2, Geometry, Chemistry, AP European History, AP U.S History, World History
    Credits- You will need around 12 credits in order to graduate.
    Clubs- Anything after and before school
    Homework- We get a bit more now that we are taking advanced classes
  • 11th grade

    Exams-AP English 3, English 3, Pre-Calcus, Algebra 2, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, Psychology, AP Psychology,
    Credits- You will need to complete 17 credits
    Clubs- Any Clubs before or after school
    Homework- Now that you can take a bunch of AP classes the homework load will be a lot!
    Educational Opp- Work program, you can sign up to shadow a teacher or a doctor
  • 12th grade

    Exams- AP English 4, AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, AP Statistics, AP Physics, AP Physics C, AP Environmental Sci, AP U.S Govt, AP Economics,
    Credits- You will need 22 credits to graduate highschool!
    Clubs- You can take any clubs you want!
    Educational opp- You can be in the work program, you can shadow a teacher and a doctor, and you can go and have a highschool job