
Armenian Genocide - AlyssaF, RaineD

  • The War Between Turkey and Russia

    The War Between Turkey and Russia
    (This is not the exact date)
    This war ended wth a treaty, and the province of(Kars)was given up to Turkey.Within this province there was many Armenians in it.
  • Christian Subjection and Self Defence Over Equal Rights

    Christian Subjection and Self Defence Over Equal Rights
    The Russian troops started to leave the Ottoman Empire,and that's when the Armenian christianity also started to leave. Then the Armenians went to the Ottoman Empire and asked for equal right but then had to resort to self defence.
  • Armenia Asks for a Reform

    Armenia Asks for a Reform
    The leader of the Ottoman Empire(Abdul Hamid 2)created a group that was supposed to "take care of" the Armenians.The Armenians went and asked for a "reform",but were sent away by the police.The Ottoman Empire soon started to murder people in Constantinople and then spread throughout the rest of the Empire.
  • Abdul Hamid 2

    Abdul Hamid 2
    Abdul Hamid 2 was convinced to step down,and all of his power was removed.
  • World War 1 (The cover for the Genocide)

    World War 1 (The cover for the Genocide)
    While World War 1 was going on many other issues were being forgotten,including the racial and religous discrimiation in Turkey.(This was a perfect cover for the Genocide)
  • Siege of Deaths

    Siege of Deaths
    In 1915 a siege began and around 45 000 Armenians held out until they were rescued by russia. Also 250 famous Armenians were sent out of the country after being held in cells for quite awhile.
  • New Laws

    New Laws
    They then made law that anyone could be deported if they see them as a threat to national security. The law of Expropriation and Confiscation was temporarily made,and this law let officials take away any Armenian property ‘in order to add to the war effort’.
  • The ARCNE

    The ARCNE
    American Committee for Relief in the Near East(ARCNE) helped save over 132 000 orphans and donated 102 000 to refugees in Armenia in the first year.
  • Faced to Charges

    Faced to Charges
    A little while later the genocide the people that were the most responsible were charged with crime.Lots were found guilty and three of them included the leaders of CUP,but some escaped the punishment.
  • The Anniversary

    The Anniversary
    On Friday April the 24th it was the 100th anniversary of the armenian geocide. Tonight in Paris, France the lights of the Effile Tower will be temporarily turned off as a tribute to the victims of the Armenian Genocide. The lights will turn off at 2:00pm Friday April 24th 2015.