Armenian Genocide

  • Young Turks Take Over

    In 1908, a new government came to power in Turkey. The Young Turks came to power
  • The Turco- German alliance is formed

    Turkey and Germany Join Forces
  • The Ottoman Empire Enters World War 1

    Under German command. Ottoman forces bomb Russian Black Sea ports. So the ottoman empire enters WW1 then the allies declare war on them right after that.
  • A proclamation of jihad is applied against the Allied Powers

    Ottoman religious authorities in Constantinople issue a Proclamation of Jihad against England, France, and Russia. They declare a holy war against all Christians except their allies, and legitimize the formation of chete organizations, or armed irregular forces.
  • The first chete attacks on Armenians begin.

    Millitary leaders think that the aremenians are alligning with Russia, so the priests get killed.
  • Deportations begin.

    The first convoy of Armenian deportees leaves the city of Zeitun, headed to the Konia Desert in central Anatolia or to Der-el-Zor in the Syrian Desert. Deportations soon begin leaving from other cities as well, but most deportees are killed en route.
  • Turkish Forces besiege city of van

    Turkish army attacks Van. Kills 55,000 armenians
  • The first official phase of the Armenian massacres begin

    Hundreds are arrested and murdered signs beginning of genocide.
  • Russian Forces ocupy Ottoman Empire

    Russian forces take over all armenian territories.
  • The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk returns Armenia to the Ottoman Empire.

    Soviet Union stops hostilities with central powers. Ottoman gives amnesty to the people but they really are getting destroyed.
  • Armenian Republic Is Formed

    Armenians declare as independents in Russia
  • The Ottoman Empire surrenders and the Three Pashas flee.

    Ottoman surrendures to Allies, and Armenians are retuned to thier homes
  • A court martial is convened in Constantinople.

    Court marital sentences some war generals to death for their roles in the genocide.
  • One of the Three Pashas is killed in Berlin.

    One of three pashas is killed then the rest are.
  • The Turkish Army pillages Smyrna.

    Thousands of greeks and armenians are killed and their city is burned down.