Arab-Israeli Conflict

  • 1948 War

    1948 War
    Ended March 1949.
    Israel declared independance and the surounding countries attacked them. In the end, Israel gained land, Egypt go te Gaza Strip and Jordan got the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of people became refugees.
  • Attrition Battles

    Attrition Battles
    Ended: 1970
    Israel gained land from Egypt, Jodan and Syria. Jerusalem remained unified with all religions. Arab nations declared their unwillingness to make peace. Egypt began small attacks against Israel.
  • Six Day War or The 1967 War

    Six Day War or The 1967 War
    Egypt blockaded Israel.Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq moved troops to Israel's borders and made threatening statements. Israel launched a preemptive attac. Israel caputured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from, Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. More Palestinians and Jews became refugees. Terrorism became more common.
  • Settlement Construction Begins

    Settlement Construction Begins
    These settlements were meant to serve as security posts. They were uilt o the sites of jewish villages. Settlement construction was very limited. Settlements increased as time went on.
  • The October War or Yom Kippur War

    The October War or Yom Kippur War
    Ended: October 25, 1973
    Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on Yom Kippur. Israel refreained territory taken away in 1967.
  • Egypt and Israel sign a peace agreement

    Egypt and Israel sign a peace agreement
    Egypt became the first Arab country to enter into a peace treaty and recognize Israel. Israel returned Egypt all of the Sinai that got captured during the war in 1967.
  • The 1982 Lebanon War

    The 1982 Lebanon War
    Ended: June 1985
    PLO attacked communities in northern Israel. Israel went to war with Lebanon.
  • The First Intifada

    The First Intifada
    Palestinians in the Gaza Strip had an uprising against Israel controlling territory. Israel used military force. Palestinians were not ready for these attacks. This problem continued until the Oslo Accords were signed. Many Palestinians died. The First Intifada ended in 1993.
  • The Oslo Accords

    The Oslo Accords
    A set of agreements that started in 1993.
  • Israel and Jordan sign a Peace Treaty

    Israel and Jordan sign a Peace Treaty
    America tried to help Jordan and Israel get peace with each other. Jordan became the second country to recognize Israel. Israelis and Palestinians accused others of not fulfilling their obligations. Israel and PLO exchanged letters of mutual recognition. PLO and Israel found peace.
  • The Camp David Summit

    The Camp David Summit
    Ended: July 25, 200
    Clinton met with Israel and Palestine to try and bring peace to all.
  • The Second Intifada

    The Second Intifada
    Israeli general Ariel Sharon visited the Jewish Temple mountain. The Palestinians thought the visit was to start a riot. Israelis were terrorized by bombings, The army tried to take out terrorist targets. This event is ongoing.
  • Israeli begins constructing the West Bank Barrier

    Israeli begins constructing the West Bank Barrier
    Israel decided to build a new security barier to reduce suicide bombings and other voilence.
  • Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed

    Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
    Prince Abdullah proposed a peace initiative. It offered peace for withdrawl of all captured territory. Israel rejected the proposal because Israel didn't want to give away the territory.
  • The Roadmap for Peace Is Proposed

    The Roadmap for Peace Is Proposed
    It is a plan for peace that was proposed in 2003 by the "Quartet" the United States, Russia, the European Union, and the United Nations. The Roadmap is divided into three phases, but has never progressed past the first. Hamas is a terrorist organization committed to destroying lsrael.
  • Israel Disengages from Gaza

    Israel Disengages from Gaza
    Ariel Sharon went ahead with getting Israelis out of Palestinian territory, Israelis however refused to leave. In the end, Israel left so the Palestinians could govern themselves. As a result, a battle broke out and rockets were launched into Israel.
  • Hamas Is Elected

    Hamas Is Elected
    Palestine elected Hamas because they thought the previous government was corrupt. They wanted the destruction of Israel for killing the jews. They were responsible for hundreds of terrorist attacks.
  • The 2006 Lebanon War

    The 2006 Lebanon War
    Hezbollah is an islamic group trying to destroy Israel. Hezbollah attacked an Israel army unit by using rocks and a human shield strategy. Many people died in this battle. Israel damaged Lebanon's transportation infrustructure. Hostilities ended with UN sease fire revolution on August 14, 2006.
  • Gaza Flotilla Incident

    Gaza Flotilla Incident
    After Hamas seized control from the Palestinian Authoriiy, lsrael and Egypt began a blockade of Gaza. It They required all goods to be inspected before enterlng Gaza to prevent Hamas from smuggling in weapons.
  • The Battle of Gaza

    The Battle of Gaza
    Hamas attacked falah members through gaza. Hamas controls Palestine
  • The Gaza War

    The Gaza War
    Israel attacked Hamas targets in Gaza to stop rocket attacks on Israel. Many soldiers were killed. Buildings and the economy were damaged as well. The war ended in 2009.
  • The Arab Spring

    The Arab Spring
    Arab citizens protested against opressive governments. This spread from Tunisia to Arabia. Egyptian president resigned as a result. The long term impact is not clear yet. Tunisian president left on January 14, 2011.