Arab-Israeli Conflic tand Peace process

  • 191

    McMachon Hussein Correspondence

    McMachon Hussein Correspondence
    During the World War 1 , British High Comissioner HEnry Machon promised him that bratain would grant independence to most Arab areas in the ottoman Empire.
  • First Zionist Congress

    First Zionist Congress
    Organized by Theodor. Zionism's goal of stablishing a legally assured home fot the Jewish people in the land of Israel. Jews would not stop until Jews couold live in a land of their own.
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    It was a letter from the United Kingdoms Foreign secretary author Balfour to walter Rothschil
  • British Mandatefor Palestine

    British Mandatefor Palestine
    , Britain created Transjordan as a subdivision of
    the mandate in the area east of the Jordan River. In 1922, Britain
    barred Jewish settlement in Transjordan, reducing the area available
    for a Jewish homeland by more than 75%.
  • The Holocaustand World War II

    The Holocaustand World War II
    Before and
    during the war, the Nazis persecuted Jews, eventually carrying out a
    genocide known as the Holocaust. This resulted in the murder of 6
    million Jews.