Antebellum America

  • Eli Whitney invents cotton gin

    The cotton gin revolutionized the economy of the Southern United States. Earlier, the cash crops in the South had been indigo and tobacco, but because of the cotton gin, which allowed the seeds to be taken out of cotton faster, cotton became the number one cash crop in the South. With the crop being so productive, more slaves were imported into the South to help produce cotton. This ended up hurting the South and putting them very far behind, since their capital was tied into producting cotton.
  • Second Great Awakening begins

    The Second Great Awakening was a revival movement of the early 1800s and fell into decline a little after the Civil War. During this time, churches sprung up all over the place and many new denominations of Christianity sprung up as well. Membership in churches multiplied and many new people came to the Christian faith, such as many black slaves who previously had been only accustomed to their tribal African roots.
  • Congress outlaws slave trade

    The slave trade was outlawed in 1808, exactly 30 years after the Constitution was established, as was planned by the Founding Fathers when the Constitution was written. However, this law did absolutely nothing to stop the buying and selling of slaves and their future children in the United States. The only thing it did was prevent the importation of more slaves into the country. Though the law to ban the importation of slaves was signed in 1807, it wasn't calid until 1808.
  • Mexico opened Texas for American settlement

    Mexican Texas was opened to American settlers because the Mexican government wanted to keep Spain from invading their country and taking it over, but they didn't have enough people to populate their country. So, they had Americans settle the land for them. However, this later led to the Texas Revolution and the Republic of Texas.
  • New Harmony commune established

    The New Harmony commune was established by the Harmony Society in 1814 in Indiana. The settlement didn't last long because a lot of people fell sick and died from malaria until the swamps were drained, and then the economic standing of the settlement was bad because they were so far from Eastern ports. Along with that, unfriendly neighbors such as the abolitionists caused the Harmonites to move back to Pennsylvania.
  • Andrew Jackson elected President

    Jackson was elected President in 1828, and was so popular that many people attended the ball celebrating his inauguration at the White House. The crowd was so large that the guards couldn't keep out the number of people, and the White House became so crowded that many things were broken and people jumped out the windows because the doors were blocked. Because of this, Jackson received the nickname "King Mob".
  • Potato famine in Ireland

    The Irish Potato famine was a period of mass starvation, disease, and emigration in Ireland beginning in 1845. Because of this, one million people died and a million more emigrated to many places such as the United States to seek a new life. This affected the economic development of the United States and partially accounted for the growth in the workforce and economic wealth the United States experienced. The Irish became known for taking any job offered to them and working long and hard hours.
  • Elias Howe invents sewing machine

    Elias Howe produce the first American-patented sewing machine. Because of trouble with patents, Isaac Singer and Allen Wilson both developed different styles of sewing machines, and Howe had a lot of competition. Luckily, though, once securing his patent, Howe earned almost $2 million from his invention. The sewing machine revolutionized the textile industry.
  • Mormon migration to Utah

    Because of their beliefs, Mormons were often treated harshly by they neighbors, which is partially why they migrated so far west, to be rid of all those who opposed them. Not a bad plan, really. They travelled in large wagons and handcarts and some people carried their belongings the long way to Utah, where they eventually settled down and made a great little settlement. The trail they took became known as the Mormon Trail.
  • Pony Express established

    The Pony Express was a fast mail delivery service that stretched from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California, and was the most direct form of communication before the telegraph from the East to the West. Messeges were carried by horseback rides in relays across the plains, desserts, mountains, and prairies to reach its destination.