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Ancient Islam Timeline

  • 570

    Birth of Muhammad

    Birth of Muhammad
    This is where it all begins. Muhammad was born in Mecca to parents that were mercants. The life of Muhammad is now started and he will do amazing things in this life. (
  • Period: 570 to Jan 1, 632

    Muhammad's Lifespan

    This is the time from when Muhammad was born to when he died. During this time, he did many great acheivements, one of which was the founding of Islam.
  • 576

    Muhammad is Orphaned

    Muhammad is Orphaned
    Muhammad when through a time of loss at this stage in his life. At the age of six, both of his parents were dead and he was left orphaned. (
  • Jan 1, 622

    Muhammad's Exodus

    Muhammad's Exodus
    At this time, the Islamic faith was in the infant stages of becoming a major religion. After just a couple years in Mecca, Muhammad only gained a few followers. He was afriad that the persecution of his followers was making people less attracted to become Islamic. Muhammad and his followers when to Medina or "city of the prophet," adn this journey is called Hegira. (
  • Jan 1, 630

    Famous Detruction of False Idols

    Famous Detruction of False Idols
    In 630, two years before his death, Muhammad made a symbolic visit to Ka'Ba where he made a sacred shrine of Islam and made the people destroy their idols of the traditional faith. (
  • Jan 1, 633

    Need for a Successor

    Need for a Successor
    In this year, the first successor to Muhammad was his father-in-law. Abu Bakr was selected by some of Muhammad's closest followers to be caliph which translates as successor. Caliphs were temporal leaders of the ISlamic community and considered to be the religious leader or imam. (
  • Period: Jan 1, 636 to Jan 1, 650

    Creation of Islamic Empire

    This time period is very eventful. The Islamic people are now trying to spread their new religion into different parts of this world. At first in 636 they defeat the Byzantine Empire and in 640 they took control of Syria. At that time in 637, they defeated the Persians and by 650 the Sassanid Empire.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Umayyads' Rise to Control

    Umayyads' Rise to Control
    At this time there were discrepencies on who the successor should be. After a few new Caliphs who were put in office were assassinated, Mu'awiya, the govenor of Syria and a rival of the newly assassinated Caliph, made it hereditary in his family called the Ummayids. (
  • Jan 1, 750

    Overthrowing of Umayyads

    Overthrowing of Umayyads
    The overthrowing of the Umayyads was a revolt lead by a descendant of Muhammad's uncle, named Abu al'Abbas. Once he had victory over the Umayyads, he established the Abbasid dynasty. (
  • Jan 1, 1055

    Seljuk Turks

    Seljuk Turks
    A leader of the Seljuk Turks, a group of nomadic converts, threatened the Abbasid's control of the Caliphate and captured Baghdad. By doing that, they held the title of "holder of the power," sultan, and gained command over the empire. (
  • Jan 1, 1071

    Byzantine's Foolish Attempt to Gain Power

    Byzantine's Foolish Attempt to Gain Power
    The Turks were putting pressure on the Byzantine Empire in Egypt and the Byzantines challenged the Turks, losing the land and plunder that the Seljuk Turks had taken from them after they won. The Byzantines then looked ot the west for help which ws the start of the Crusades. (
  • Apr 4, 1150

    History Book Cited

    Duiker and Spielvogel. The Essential World History. Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Unknown. Print
  • Uprise from the Shi'ites

    Uprise from the Shi'ites
    There were still some rivals and some people did not like the Umayyads' being in control of the Caliphate. Hussein, Ali's second son, was a major rival to the Umayyads. He and his supporters rose against the Umayyads and they were defeated but their clan had later become know as the Shi'ites. (
  • The Golden Age

    The Golden Age
    Harun al-Rashid was a Caliph during the Golden Age of the Abbasid Rule. His name became Harun the "upright." His son al-Ma'mun was Caliph in 813 and established an observatory and a foundation for translating Classical Greek words. (