
Muhammad's Life - Parallel Timeline

  • 570

    Birth of Muhammad

    Birth of Muhammad
    Born in the Arabian town of Mecca to Abd Allah bin Al-Muttalib and Amina bint Wahb
  • 570

    Birth of Persian Empire

    Cyrus II conquers most of the Near East and establishes the Persian Empire
  • Period: 570 to Dec 7, 632

    Life of Muhammad

  • 572


    China creates sundials and begins to use them
  • 575

    Muhammad Becomes An Orphan

    Muhammad's mother took him to see relatives and his father's grave a few hundred miles north to a town called Yathrib. She died on the return journey and his nurse took him to live with his grandfather.
  • Dec 7, 610

    Muhammed receives first revelation

    Not enjoying life in Mecca, Muhammed frequently made trips to an isolated mountain cave where he meditated and fasted. On one occasion, he was visited by an overwhelming presence and was instructed to recite words of such beauty and force that he and others gradually attributed them to God.
  • Dec 7, 612

    New Empire

    New Empire
    The new Babylonian Empire was created
  • Dec 7, 613

    Assyrian Empire

    Assyrian Empire
    The Assyrian Empire was in it's political and economical prime
  • Dec 7, 613

    Muhammed speaks to the public

    Muhammed speaks to the public
    After several instances of what he believed to be a god speaking to him, Muhammed decided to share what he had been told. These were gathered verse by verse and later would become the Qur'an, Islam's sacred scripture. At first he and his followers were ridiculed, but it eventually turned to violence. They were driven to near-famine conditions and after almost a decade, both his wife and uncle died.
  • Dec 7, 622

    Muhammad emigrates

    Muhammad emigrates
    To escape persecution, Muhammad and his few hundred followers left Mecca and traveled to Yathrib. The citizens there had been fighting a civil war and invited Muhammad to be their meditator. They renamed the town Medina, meaning "The City of The Prophet".
  • Mar 15, 624

    Battle of Badr

    Battle of Badr
    Muhammad and his followers defeated an army from Mecca and his main rival, Abu Jahl, was killed.
  • Dec 7, 624


    Buddhism becomes the established religion of Japan.
  • Dec 7, 624

    Muhammad breaks with Jewish followers

    Muhammad broke with his Jewish supporters because they refused to recognize him as a prophet and adopt Islam. His followers now face Mecca instead of Jerusalem.
  • Jan 7, 630

    The Conquest of Mecca

    The Conquest of Mecca
    The power shifted from the hands of the Meccans to Muhammed and the Muslims. The Muslims marched in to Mecca and were joined by tribe after tribe along the way. They entered Mecca without bloodshed and the Meccans joined them seeing how the circumstances had changed.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Death of Muhammad

    Death of Muhammad
    Muhammad returned to live in Medina. He consolidated most of the Arabian Peninsula under Islam and returned to Mecca for a final pilgrimage. Tens of thousands of Muslims joined him. Upon returning to Medina, Muhammad died from a brief illness and was buried in the mosque in Medina.
  • Jerusalem Conquered

    Jerusalem Conquered
    Nebuchadnezzar conquers Jerusalem
  • Muhammad Under Care of Uncle

    When Muhammad's grandfather passed away, he passed into the care of a paternal uncle, Abu Talib. Muhammad grew up in the older man's home and remained under Abu Talib's protection for many years.
  • Muhammad works as a shepherd

    Muhammad works as a shepherd
    Muhammad worked as a shepherd to pay off his uncle and gained the nickname of El-Amin from older merchants who recognized his character. It means the one you can trust.
  • Muhammad gets married

    Muhammad gets married
    Muhammad worked for a woman named Khadija and, impressed by his character and honesty, proposed marriage. They had 6 children, 4 daughers and 2 sons, but both of the sons died in infancy.
  • Church reforms

    Church reforms
    Pope Gregory the Great begins Church reformation and change in 590, and they last until 604.
  • Tang Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty
    After a period of civil war and decline in China, the Tang reestablished a unified government. They also established a law code and renovated the canal system to encourage trade and communication inside of China.
  • Treaty with the Meccans

    They established a treaty recognizing the Muslims as a new force in Arabia and gave them freedom to move unmolested throughout Arabia. Meccan allies breached the treaty a year later.
  • Period: to Dec 7, 604

    Chruch reforms