Ubudiah mosque

Islamic Reign

  • 570

    Early Life of Muhammad

    Early Life of Muhammad
    Muhammad was born in the town of Mecca, and his dad died before he was born. His mother raised him from the beginning. At age of six, Muhammad was taken to visit relatives in Yathrib. His mother and all of his relatives except his uncle, Abu Talib, died. Muhammad grew and had several jobs such as being a shepherder. In his early twenties he became a very successful merchant. In 595, at the age of 25, Muhammad married his wife Khadija, who was 15 years older than he.
  • Period: 570 to Jun 8, 632

    Life of the Prophet Muhammad

  • Jan 1, 622

    Muhammads Spiritual Journey

    Muhammads Spiritual Journey
    When Muhammad got tired of the way things were run in Mecca, he and a couple hundred of his followers left and went to Muhammads home town, Yathrib. Muhammad soon helped solve many problems such as the civil war between tribes. He also began to build the Muslim faith. When Muhammad was at the peak of his new religion, he wanted to take the religion a step further, so he marched into Mecca, and soon all the people of Mecca followed him as their spiritual leader.
  • Period: Jan 1, 632 to Jan 1, 661

    Early Islamic Expansion

  • Jun 8, 632

    Death of Muhammad

    Death of Muhammad
    The death of Muhammad caused a void in leadership because he had no sons to pass his authority onto. The question was who was going to lead the Muslim faith.
  • Aug 1, 632

    The First Caliph

    The First Caliph
    A group of Muhammad's closest followers selected Muhammad's father-in-law, Abu Bakr, to be the temporal leader of the Islamic community. The caliph was also recognized as a religious leader, or imam. Bakr's leadership unified the factions among the Bedouin tribes.
  • Jan 1, 636

    The Creation of an Empire

    The Creation of an Empire
    No longer at war with each other, the unified Muslims began to conquer neighboring peoples. The Byzantine armies were defeated near the Yarmuk River, and north of the Red Sea. Four years later Muslims took possession of Syria and also conqured the entire empire of the Sasanids. Egypt and parts of North Africa also became Arab territories.
  • Period: Jan 1, 637 to Jan 1, 650

    Conquering of the Byzantine and Sasanian Empires

  • Period: Jan 1, 661 to Jan 1, 750

    Later Islamic Expansion

  • Jan 1, 1099

    Capturing Jerusalem

    Capturing Jerusalem
    The first crusade armie marched in to Jerusalem and succeded in the conquering of this Muslim territory.
  • Muhammads Spiritual Journey

    Muhammads Spiritual Journey
    The materialism of Mecca soon pushed Muhammad out of the town and into the hills where he found a cave where he could fast and meditate. One day in the cave, Muhammad was aproached by the angel, Gabriel and was told to recite words so beautiful that he knew they could only be the words of God. After a few other encounters such as this, Muhammad began to tell his tribe of these experiences.
  • The Writing of the Qur'an

    The Writing of the Qur'an
    Muhammad dictated his revelations to scribes and these became the wholy scriptures of Islam or the Qur'an. The basic message of the Qur'an is that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet.
  • Problems

    In some of the tribes now controlled by Muslims, there were revolts that sprang out because of this new religion in which the people did not want to be a part of. For example Ali's second son, Hussein, argued that he did not believe in Umayyad rule. So Hussein decided to rise up against Umayyad rule and revolt, but his armies were defeated, and Hussein was killed in the battle.
  • Abbasid Rule

    Abbasid Rule
    Therem was a time of splended rule that went well into the ninth century. The best known caliphs during this time were Harun al-Rashid, whose reign was considered to be the golden age of Abbasid, and his son al-Ma'mum established a foundadtion to translate classical greek writings.
  • Lack of Spiritual Authority

    Lack of Spiritual Authority
    During this time the lack of spiritual authority was weakening the caliphate angainst other rivals. When Harun died in 809, his two sons Amin and Ma'mum were in a rivalry in which led to a civil war that destroyed Baghdad.
  • Morocco Becomes Independent

    Morocco Becomes Independent
  • Period: to Jan 1, 632

    The Writting of the Qur'an

  • Period: to

    Abbasid caliphate at greatest extent during rule of Harun al-Rashid

  • Period: to

    Abbasid Rule