Yesterday x was 2

Algebraic Expressions: Polynomials

  • Introduction of unit

    Introduction of unit
    Algebra 1 CP class website *Introduction of unit: Algebraic Expressions: Polynomials
    *Guiding Questions
    *Introduction to class website and features
    *Using the Chromebooks and join online class website by clicking the link. Use Group Code ej62jn
    *Guidelines for a Safe Learning Environment
    *Postings Assignment
    Select Folder on the left side of the screen, then select the folder titled Unit: Algebraic Expressions: Polynomials to locate documents listed.
  • Period: to

    Unit : Algebraic Expressions: Polynomials

  • Review Exponent Rules

    Review Exponent Rules
    Kahn AcademyStudents,
    Today you explore the exponent rules by researching them at Khan Academy website This is a 7th grade pre-algebra skill that you can "rediscover" independently using the Chromebooks in class. Using pages 1-5 of your Notes and Classwork Graphic Organizer, take notes completing the grapic organizer titled Properties of Exponents. This includes fill in the blank, examples, and classwork practice.
  • Add & Subtract Polynomials

    Add & Subtract Polynomials
    Alg Add/Subtr Polynomials 2-25-2015Students
    Watch the video notes at Using pages 6-8 of your Notes and Classwork Graphic Organizer, take notes completing the grapic organizer titled Adding and Subtracting Polnomials.
    Select the link.
  • Period: to

    Add & Subtract Polynomials

    Day 1
    Video notes at using graphic organizer. Then complete classwork practice.
    Day 2
    Hands on activity-Polynomial Squares
    Exit ticket using their personal devices or chromebooks and to check for understanding on add and subtract polynomials.
  • Personal devices today

    Personal devices today
    Please bring your personal devices today.
    You will complete a hands on activity called Polynomial Squares. Before the end of class you will need to complete the Exit Ticket to check your understanding on adding and subtracting polynomials. Using your personal device or chromebook, go to or use the app Socrative Student, The Exit Ticket will begin once you enter duwel918 for the room code.
  • Poly- x Bi-nomials

    Poly-  x  Bi-nomials
    First, I complete the Board Quiz on Add & Subtract polynomials--4 MC questions--record answers online at our class website by selecting Quiz from Board (MC Blank). When finished, you will learn to multiply polynomials by binomials using distributive property and Box method. Using pages 9-11 of your Notes and Classwork Graphic Organizer, take notes from my live in class lecture completing the grapic organizer titled Multiplying a Polynomial & a Binomial Polnomials. 25 minutes.
  • Period: to

    Multiply Polynomials

  • Bi- times Bi-nomial

    Bi- times Bi-nomial
    Alg Multiplying Binomials 3-2-2015Students
    We are multiplying binomials times binomials using the F.O.I.L. and Box methods today. Using pages 12-14 of your Notes and Classwork Graphic Organizer, take notes completing the grapic organizer titled Multipying Binomials. I have posted this lecture for your notes at
  • Bi- times Tri-nomial

    Bi-  times Tri-nomial
    Multiply binomials times trinomials by extending the idea of the Box Method of multiplying. Using pages 15-16 of your Notes and Classwork Graphic Organizer, take notes from my live in class lecture completing the grapic organizer titled Multiplying Binomial by a Trinomial. Before the end of class, complete the EXIT TICKET using your personal devices or Chromebook and the website or the app Socrative Student.
  • Review and Quick Quiz

    Review and Quick Quiz
    EADMS Online TestingStudents,
    Complete the classwork from pages 17-18 titled Review for Polynomial Test in the Graphic Organizer.
    Take the Quick Quiz: +-x Polynomials that has MC and constructed response questions. You will use online testing and our chromebooks. Once you are logged in wait for me to give you the session ID number. 20 min
  • Factor GCF

    Factor GCF
    Factoring out the Greatest Common Factor by reversing the distributive property and revisiting the Box method will be our goal today. Using pages 19-20 of your Notes and Classwork Graphic Organizer, take notes from my live in class lecture completing the grapic organizer titled Finding GCF to Factor.
  • Factor Trinomials with a =1

    Factor Trinomials with a =1
    To factor trinomials with a = 1, we have learned about the MAGIC X brain teasers and now you can make factoring easy with them! Using pages 21-22 of your Notes and Classwork Graphic Organizer, take notes from my live in class lecture completing the grapic organizer titled Factoring Trinomials A=1.
  • Period: to

    Factor Trinomials with the MAGIC X

  • Factor trinomials with a=1 Day 2

    Factor trinomials with a=1 Day 2
    Practice factoring trinomials on the website with the FREE PRACTICE problems. Then complete the classwork on page 23 of your Notes and Classwork Graphic Organizer titled Factor Trinomials Day 2. . You will also find on our class website a Popplet that will help you with facting.
    Factoring Trinomials with a = 1
  • Factor trinomials with a not = 1

    Factor trinomials with a not = 1
    Popplet Factoring MethodsFactor trinomials with a not =1 using the magic x and bottoms up factoring. Watch the power point lecture I do in class. It is also available at our class website so that you can watch it again later. Using pages 24-26of your Notes and Classwork Graphic Organizer, take notes completing the grapic organizer titled Factoring Trinomials A not =1. Again, the Popplet Factoring Methods at our class website will also guide you through the factoring.
  • LATE START DAY Factor Trinomials with a not =1

    LATE START DAY Factor Trinomials with a not =1
    Practice factoring trinomials with a not =1 using the magic x on the website with the FREE PRACTICE problems. Next, using page 27 of your Notes and Classwork Graphic Organizer completing the grapic organizer titled Factor Trinomials (review). Click the link.
    Factor Trinomials with a not =1
  • Unit Collaborative Review Activity

    Unit Collaborative Review Activity
    Find the Unit Collaborative Review Activity in the folder on the class webpage. When you open it, the title at the top is Unit: Algebraic expressions: Polynomials. Start by reading the entire activity. Set up in your groups of 3, then begin the activity.
  • Period: to

    Review of Unit Test

    Review for the unit test on Algebraic Functions: Polynomials.
  • Unit Collaborative Review Activity and Practice Test

    Unit Collaborative Review Activity and Practice Test
    Today you are to read through some of your Unit Collaborative Review Activities I have posted to the class website. Write and post comments in the Notes section on our class webpage. See the instructions in the Unit Collaborative Unit Collaborative Review Activity.
    Once that is complete, begin completing the Practice Test I hand out in class.
  • Practice Test

    Practice Test
    Finish and grade Practice test handed out yesterday. The rest of the period is skill building using to prep for the test. Start with the either of the links from March 9th or March 11th, then you can choose at least two other practice sets from the website.
  • Unit Test: Algebraic Expressions: Polynomials

    Unit Test:  Algebraic Expressions: Polynomials
    EADMS Online TestingToday students you take district-wide unit test for Algebraic Expressions: Polynomials. You will going to to complete the assessment. Select "Log in to Online Testing" once you are at the website. Once you are logged in, wait for me to give you the session ID number.
    I know you worked hard this unit and made good use of the Popplets to help you review .So show me what you know and score an A on this test today. Good Luck!