World History

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The Steam Engine was invented by a man named Thomas Savery. He had been working on how to solve the problem of pumping water out of coal mines. The steam engine was a machine that required steam for pressure, which forced water upward and pushed it out of the mine shaft. Another man named James Watt helped to improve the steam engine. The Steam Engine is important because it became the dominant design for all modern engines and helped bring about the Industrial Revolution.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille . It was a crucial event that influenced British life. In 1793, the reign of terror swept through France with Robespierre as one of the victims. In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte took over and began the conquest of Western Europe. He ended the revolution.
    The French Revolution is important because the French changed the entire way that france was ran and gave the people power.
  • haitian revolution

    haitian revolution
    The Haitian Revolution is the period of conflict in Saint-Domingue, leading to the ending of slavery and the establishment of Haiti as the first republic ruled by african-americans. A lot of rebellions occurred during the slave era, but only the revolt on Saint-Domingue was successful in abolishing slavery. The Haitian Revolutionwas the most successful slave revolt in history. It is important because it was the most defining moment for Africans in the new world.
  • independence of mexico

    independence of mexico
    The independence of Mexico was an armed conflict between the people of mexico and the spanish colonial people. It was led by the mexican-born spaniards, mestizos, and ameridians. The United States ended up winning the Mexican war. Before 1810 the movement for independence was far from getting support from the Mexicans, who became divided between independentists, autonomists and royalists. The independence of Mexico is important because its the day that Mexico gained independence from spain.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna was an international conference that was called in order to remake Europe after the downfall of Napoleon I. The big four were Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia. The congress of Vienna is important because many territorial decisions had to be made in the congress. The main goal was to create a balance of power that would preserve peace.
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    The Opium War was a war between Great Britain and China. It began over opium trade and ended in 1842 with Hong Kong to the British, opening of Chinese ports, and the grant of commercial privilege. The importance of the opium war is it opened more trade routes in china.
  • communist manifesto

    communist manifesto
    The Communist Manifesto is a political manuscript written by Karl Marx. It is one of the worlds most influencial manuscripts. It talks about the problems of capitalism, rather than communisms potential future forms. The book contains theories of politics and society. The book states that "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." The importance of the Communist Manifesto is it features ideas that are replaced by socialism, eventually becoming communism
  • Matt Perry goes to Japan

    Matt Perry goes to Japan
    matthew perry was the commodore of the US navy. He opened Japan to the West. The US sent Matthew Perry to Japan to use it as a coaling base, or also a base where steamships can restock their coal supply. Another reason that he was shipped to Japan was so that he good make sure shipwrecked sailors were trreated well. The last reason was for trade. Matthew Perry going to japan was important because he changed the japanese lifestyle and had a great impact on them.
  • sepoy mutiny

    sepoy mutiny
    the Sepoy Mutiny was a revolt of the sepoy troops in India, resulting in the transfer of the administration of India from the East India Company to the crown. it can also be known as Indias first war of independedce. Native soldiers attacked the british Indians because of prejudices against indians. The British won the war and the history claimed by the Indians, who were defeated. The importance of the Sepoy Mutiny is; It marked India's first attempt to gain independence from the british.
  • Dr. Sun-Yat-Sen takes over China

    Dr Sun-Yat-Sen was a chinese revolutionary and a political leader. He inspired the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty. he also developed the three principles of the people, which is livelihood, democracy, and nationalism. The importance of Dr. Sun-yat-sen is
  • Unification of Germany

    Unification of Germany
    The Unification of Germany occured at the Versailles palace in France. Before the 1860's, Germany was composed of many nation states. After the Prussian war, the states united to become Germany. The Unification of Germany is important because it effected germany by slowing the growth of the economy as a whole and was very expensive.
  • zulu uprising

    zulu uprising
    The Anglo-Zulu war was faught between the Zulu kingdom and the British. It had several bloody battles. It was a landmark in the time of colonialism. The Zulu uprising is important because it ended the Zulu nations indepence.
  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    The Berlin Conference was an international meeting aimed at settling the problems with European colonies in Africa. The purpose of the meeting was to guarantee free trade and navigation on the Congo and the Niger Rivers. The Berlin Conference is important because it regulated European colonization and trade in Africa.
  • russo-japan war

    russo-japan war
    The russo-japan war was a conflict over expansion in east asia. It began with the Japanese naval attack on Port Arthur. Europe felt that japan shouldnt gain port arthur. Russia persuaded germany and france to join them in the war. Japanese was forced to give up port arthur. The russo-japanese war is important because it was the first time trenches were used, which is the kind of war world war one was.