Timeline Assignment 12/7/10

By nick221
  • French Revolution

    States General meet to discuss public's money problems with the king and queen. bastille is raided for guns and ammo and the king and queen fail to escape into paris.
  • Haitian Revolution

    a period of brutal conflict in the french colony of saint dominique leading to the elimination of slavery and establishment of haiti as the first republic ruled by africans.
  • Independence of Mexico

    fight between mexico and spain for control and independence of mexico. it started as a peasnts fight for freedom, but turned into a full blown war.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Met to determine future boundaries of Europe. adoopted policy of no great punishments or rewards. restored monarchies accross Europe.
  • Opium War

    a war between the qing dynasty of china and the united kingdom trying to secure economic benefits from trading in china.
  • Communist Manifesto

    a short book written by german marxists political theorists karl marx and freidrich engels. it is one of the worlds most influential political manuscripts in history.
  • Steam Engine

    James Watt discovered that steam could be put to work, so he added rotary motion to it, containing the steam inside a pipe with a piston that got pushed as the steam built up.
  • Matt Perry goes to Japan

    commodore of US navy who compelled the opening of japan to the west with the4 convention of kanagawa.
  • Sepoy Mutiny

    began in meerut when native soldiers of the east india company mutinied because of perceived race-based injustices and inequities.
  • Unification of Germany

    gradual economic interdependence moved germany towards unification.
  • Berlin Conference

    a meeting between all of the major western powers to negotiate questions and end confusion over control of africa.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    grew out of imperial ambitions of rival russian empire and japanese empire over manchuria and korea.
  • Zulu Uprising

    revolt against british rule and taxationin south africa led by bambatha kamancinza.
  • Dr. Sun Yat-Sen takes over China

    takes office january 1st as a chinese revolutionary and political leader. frequently referred to as founding father of republican china.