Russia1918 streetdemo

Revoloutions in Russia

By interzi
  • Industrilization in Russia

    Industrilization in Russia
    During the time period of 1863 and the 1890's Russia started moviing forward in the industrialization market. They were always behind the industrialization countries in western Europe, but Nicholas's minister decided to try and change that. He proposed a new plan that finainced the buildup of Russian indusrties and he raised taxes. This helped the Russian industrilization, as it brought the country more modernization.
  • Czar Nicholas Rule

    Czar Nicholas Rule
    Nicholas become czar in 1894 with all intention of continuing the Russian autocracy after Alexander the second came out of power. This was not the best decision though as it did not allow him to change any conditions of the modern times.
  • Development of Revolutionary Groups

    Development of Revolutionary Groups
    The people of Russia were unhappy with the low standards of living so in result several revoloutionary movements bagan. The Marxist split into two groups. The Bolsheviks were supported by a small number of people, that did anything to change.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    On the day of January 22 1905 workers came to the czars Winter Palace with a petition for better working conditions and selected national government. Nicholas the second told his soldiers to shoot at the crowd of people, killing more than 1000 people. This led to future strikes. It is evident that the russians were heading towards a revolution as the people were not happy.
  • World War I

    World War I
    Russia was forced to be in world war one. Russia could not handle the war financially making Russia absolutely no match for the German army. THis ended up revealing the weakness of czarist rule and military leadership. This revealed that russia needed change
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    In march of 1917 Women textile workers created riots because of the shortages of bread and fuel. Around 200,000 workers swarmed the streets shouting phrases such as "Down with the Autocracy!" Soldiers were ordered to shoot and kill them, but ended up siding with them later.
  • The Czar Steps Down

    The Czar Steps Down
    The continuation of ongoing protestig forced Nicolas II to step down and abdicate his throne. After a year Revolutionaries executed Nicolas II and his family. The March Revolution succeeded in bringing down the czar, but did not gain a better government.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    The Bolshevik Revolution
    Lenin and the Bolsheviks took control of the Petrograd Soviet, as well as other soviet cities. Lenin had a slogan was "Peace, Land, and Bread".The Bolsheviks gained power as calling themselves the Red guards, which took over government offices and arrested leaders of the provisional government. Lenin gave farmland to peasants, and factories to workers.
  • Lenin in Power

    Lenin in Power
    The economy of Russia went downhill, so Lenin created a new economic policy to try and restore Russia's economy. The New Economic Policy allowed peasents to sell their crops to the government, this led to private ownership of small factories, buisnesses, and farms.
  • Stalin become a Dictator

    Stalin become a Dictator
    Lenin ended up suffering from a stroke which set competition for the Communist party. When Stalin came to power, Stalin ended up retaining the power of the communist power, being cold, hard, and feared.