The Russian Revolution

  • Industrialization

    Factories doubled bewtween the years 1863 and 1900. Steel was heavily manufactored and Russia became the world's fourth largest steel producer. (Railways) With industrializing, there were bad working conditions, low wges. child labor etc...and the people were unhapy.
  • Czar Nicholas takes the throne

    Czar Nicholas takes the throne
    Nicholas II became the Russian Czar but embraced only the traditional Russian autocracy (having total power) which made him resistant to change. The people saw change was neccessary and, therefore, caused problems.
  • Development of Revolutionary Groups

    Development of Revolutionary Groups
    Two revolutionary groups formed the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks. The Mensheviks wanting popular support and the Bolsheviks ready to sacrific anything for signs of change. These groups were signs that Russia would welcome change. Vladimir Llyich Ulyanov also known as Lenin was a major leader of the Bolsheviks.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    About 200,000 workers and their families gathered in front of czar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg asking rights and better working conditions. Nicholas ordered his soldiers to fire at his people and so more tham 1,000 were wounded. This events caused many to lash out in anger against the czar.
  • World War I

    World War I
    The decision to involve Russia in this World War took a great toll on the country. Generals were poorly equipped and were no match when up against other nations. Not even a year into the war more than 4 million Russian soldiers were killed, wounded or imprisioned.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Textile women workers in Petrograd led a strike. The next five days followed with multiple riots. Almost 200,000 workers revoluted shouting, "Down with the autocracy." The soldiers who were order to kill them later sided with them.
  • The Czar Steps Down

    The Czar Steps Down
    The March Revolution got so forced the czar to abdicate his throne. Soon after a year him and his family were executed.
  • The Bolshevik revolution

    The Bolshevik revolution
    With the Bolsheviks in charge, enemies still existed. There were groups that still supported the czar, other who wanted a democracy... All these sides fought and tore the country apart.
  • Lenin in Power

    Lenin in Power
    Lenin strived in rebuilding structure that crumbled during the war. The New Economic Policy allowed peasants to sell their crops instead of giving them to the government. Small businesses, factories, and banks were allowed to run without government interference.
  • Stalin Becomes a Dictator

    Stalin Becomes a Dictator
    Joseph Stalin took advantage in power when Lenin suffered a stroke in 1922. He was a general secretary of the Communist Party and was in total command by 1929. He worked his way into gaining power and eliminating his enemies became a dictator.