Russian Revolution

  • Nicholas II becomes Czar

    Nicholas followed the same practices as Alexander III, and he continued the traditions of Russian autocracy.
  • Industrializing

    Nicholas II wanted to buildup Russian industries. Russia was ranked fourth in the production of steel, however rapid Industrialization led to horrible working conditions, low wages, and child labor. This eventually lead to strikes.
  • Development of Revolutionary Groups

    One group was formed based on Karl Marx's idea, and they believed that industrial class would overthrow the czar. Then the group split into two new ones. One wanted support of the revolution known as the Mensheviks, and the more radical group were willing to sacrifice anything for change known as the Bolsheviks, and they were led by Lenin.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Workers and families went out to petition better working conditions and more freedom. More then 1,000 people were killed.
  • World War I

    Russia was unprepared to join the war. In a year 4 million Russian soldiers had been killed. The war showed the weakness in the Czar power. When Nicholas II left to move his headquarters to the front of war, he left his wife Czarina Alexandra in charge of the government. She ignored the chief advisors and instead fell under the influence of Rasputin who was a holy man who claimed to have healing powers.
  • The Czar Steps Down

    The March Revolution forced Czar Nicholas to leave his throne. He was later executed. However, the revolution failed to put in a strong government, so the Duma established the provisional government, which is a temporary government. Alexander Kerensky was in charge, but his continued fighting in the war made him lose support from civilians and soldiers.
  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    Armed factory owners stomered Winter Palace and they arrested members of the provisional government and took over government offices. A civil war began in Russia, the Red Guards against the White army. Even though members of the white army believed in different ideals, they all wanted to defeat the Bolsheviks. The Red Army won, leaving the Bolsheviks in power.
  • Lenin in Power

    Lenin put into place the New Economic Policy (NEP) which allowed peasants to sell their crops instead of giving it to the government. But, it maintained control over major industries and banks. In 1922, the country was named Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and then started practicing Communism. The Communist Party had all the power and it became a dictatorship.
  • Stalin becomes a Dictator

    Lenin dies is 1924. Stalin wins power struggle to lead the soviet union. Lenin feared Stalin and new he was dangerous. Most of Stalin's ideas originated from Lenin.