
  • Marxists Revolutionaries Split

    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything, The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the lkeader.
  • Crises for Russia

    Russia faces a series of crisis. They show the czar's weakness and lead the way for revolution. Japan retaliates against the Russians by attacking Port Athur, Manchuria, leading to a revolt in the midst of the war.
  • Bloody Sunday

    About 200,000 workers and their families approached czar's Winter Palace petitioning. Nicholas II generals ordered to fire on the crowd. More then 1,000 wounded and several hundred killed.
  • Duma Meet

    The first duma meet. Its leaders want Russia to become a consitutional monarchy. The Duma was later dissolved due to his hesitation to share his power.
  • Russia Defeated

    Nicholas II puts Russia into World War I. Russia is not prepared to handle the costs of war. They were no math for the German Army. More than four million Russian soldiers are killed, wounded, or captured in less than a year.
  • Workers Revolt

    Nearly 200,000 women textile workers lead a citywide strike in Petrograd. The riot over bread and fuel shortages flares up greatly within the next five days. The soldiers later side with them.
  • Bolshevik Red Guards

    Armed factory workers storm the Winter Palace. The Bolshevik Red Guards take over government offices and arrest leaders, then disappeared quickly after.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litowsk

    Russia and Germany sign the Treay of Brest-Litowsk. Russia surrenders part of its territory to Germany and its allies, spreading anger mong many Russians. They object tp Bolsheviks and policies and to the murder of the royal family.
  • Western Aid

    Civil War rages in Russia. Western nations send military aid and forces to help the White Army. They were of little help.
  • New Economic Policy

    Lenin puts aside plan for a state-controlled economy. Instead he resorts to the New Economic Policy (NEP), which allows peasants to sell their surplus crops. The governement keeps control of major industries and encourages foreign investment.
  • USSR and Communist Party

    Russia named the Union of Soviet Socialist Republicans (USSR). Bolsheviks renamed to the Communist Party. Lenin survives a stroke, setting competition for the Communist Party between Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. Stalin works to move his supporters into positions of power.