The life and times of Jessie High

  • Da Birth

    Da Birth
    the birth of the most perfect 5 lbs. even child on this day in history at 1:00 in the morning. 24 hours of pure pain for my mother, and she never lets me forget it.
  • First form of torture

    First form of torture
    My first airplane ride. Even then i hated airplanes. i cried during the whole thing. Got my dad in trouble:) Have I mentioned how much i hate airplanes? This is when i moved here from PA
  • Move to Kansas

    Move to Kansas
    Move to kansas for my parents sabbatical. Not much to comment on while there. Just like Kansas
  • I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...

    I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...
    We move back in time for kindergarten:)

    I resented school from the beginning. end of story
  • first art set

    first art set
    and so.... the srtist in me was created
  • Started playing the coolest instrument ever

    Started playing the coolest instrument ever
    I started playing th oboe on this day. Along with the oboe i got the coolest private lessons teacher ever (Cassie) and endless nagging from Mrs. Ellison complaining i don't practice enough.
  • New York

    New York
    I love New York
  • Marching Band

    Marching Band
  • freshman year......

    freshman year......
    wow.... imma freshman.
  • graduation:)

  • College

    Dartmouth.... hopefully
  • after college

    after college
    I plan on joining airforce and work on USAF fighter aircraft