Typewriter preview

Typewriters Over Time

  • The First Typewriter

    The First Typewriter
    This first typewriter was actually called the time ball. This machine was invented by a guy named Malling Hansen. It was used to make writing, work, and, businesses easier. It had 52 keys coming out of the top. When you were done with a line on your paper you push the button on the left and the writing ball would start a new line. While this was a very useful tool, the keys sometimes got stuck.
  • The Sholes & Glidden Typewriter

    The Sholes & Glidden Typewriter
    Christopher Latham Sholes was the inventor of the Sholes & Glidden typewriter. This particular typewriter is significant because the keys don’t get stuck like on the writing ball. Another thing is some of them had designs on them because they wanted to aim towards women. It also included a scale, a carriage return lever, a lid over the keyboard, and a cover over the carriage. Also, it had a sewing machine table.
  • The Travis Typewriter

    The Travis Typewriter
    The Travis Typewriter was invented by a man named Byron Brooks. The typewriter was significant because the type wheel was horizontal, it had a four row key board, and to get the ink letters on the paper it was struck by a hammer from behind and pressed against a type wheel. Also, the paper the words went on had to be shaped like a cylinder under the hammer.
  • The Mignon 4

    The Mignon 4
    The Mignon 4 was the most successful in its series. It came in a couple different colors. This one was also significant because it came with a back button. That was important because with the old ones if you messed up you couldn’t go back and you would end up wasting paper. It also had the keys actually in the board and not sticking out so they don’t break off.
  • TA Adler-Royal Satellite 40 Electronic Typewriter

    TA Adler-Royal Satellite 40 Electronic Typewriter
    The first typewriter was invented by George Blickensderfer. This typewriter was significant because of a lot of reasons. The typewriter had an optional spell checker and a 700 character correction memory. Also, it gives you the option of choosing 1, ½, and 2-line spacing. This typewriter can also use paper up to 13.5 inches long and includes battery backup.
  • The Computer

    The Computer
    The computer was invented by Jean-Louis. This computer was significant because it added color. It also had a screen on it so the paper wouldn’t get messed up when you were typing on it because you weren’t really typing on paper.