2-20th Century Timeline

  • Creation of the Communist party

    Creation of the Communist party
    There is not that much good for the creation of the Communist party except for the fact that it made the nation come together stronger because oppresion was not allowed. The meant the closer together the country is the stronger they are going to be.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution is significant because it is what led to the creation of the Soviet Union.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    This event is significant to Russia because this was a war they were fighting aginst there self. They lost around 11 million people in this.
  • Lenin's new economic policy

    Lenin's new economic policy
    Lenin's new economic policy had much signficance to Russia. This economic policy succefuly rebuilt industry and agriculture in Russia.
  • Establishment of the USSR

    Establishment of the USSR
    The establishment of the USSR was very important in Russian history. After the Russian revolution of 1917 the Russian Empire had a very big downfall. After the death of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin took over leading the USSR through a large scale industrialization program. He also established a planned economy and supressed political opposition to the Communist party. With such a strong Goverment and Army the USSR defeated Nazi Germeny making there name on the map as one of the superpowers.
  • Stalin's fife year plan

    Stalin's fife year plan
    Stalins five year plan was significant to the Russian empire because the state took control of industry and had targets fort the industries to meet. Those targets were very unrealistic but when the industries tried to meet these and when trying to me them there were vast improvments made in industries.
  • Cuban missle crisis

    Cuban missle crisis
    The siginfiacance of the Cuba Missle Crisis is that the tension did not snap and the world did not end. But they also built alot mor wepons because of this event.
  • Glastnost/Perestrokia

    Signifcant because they where part of the renovation of the the Soviet Union.
  • End of Communist Party

    End of Communist Party
    The end of the Communist party is very significant because that is the end of the control that most Russian people did not want. They could do what they wanted.
  • Democracy of Russia implemented

    Democracy of Russia implemented
    Democracy is significant because the fact that after being communist for so many years going democracy is a big step and the people of Russia get to vote for what they want now.
  • Russian Stock Market Crash

    Russian Stock Market Crash
    The Russian Stock Market Crash is important becasue the whole Russian economy collapsed a couple years after Communisim collapsed.