1450CE-1750CE (unit3) Mueggenborg

By Garpad
  • Apr 18, 1452

    Henry the Navigator

    -Responsible for the early development of European exploration
    -Began maritime trade with other continents
    -Explored coast of Africa, when nobody else really knew much about the land
  • Apr 18, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    -Was an explorer, navigator, and colonizer
    -Discovered the "New World" when looking for a route to India
    -Never wrote in his native language
    -Discovered that the Earth wasn't round
  • Apr 18, 1492

    Vasco de Gama

    -Explorer and navigator
    -Discovered an ocean route from Portugal to the East (people thought that was not possible)
    -Born into a noble family
  • Apr 18, 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    -Trade of nonnative plants, animals, and diseases between Old and New Worlds
    -Expalisn why Indian Nations collapsed
    -European nations grew wealthier from this
  • Apr 18, 1500

    Protestant Reformation

    -Movement involving religious and politcical development
    -Led by Martin Luther, a German Monk
    -People belived Roman Catholic Church was corrupt and needed to be changed
    -Wanted to church to be available to all people, not just the rich and well educated
  • Apr 18, 1502

    Safavid Empire

    -One of the most significant dynaties that ruled in Iran
    -Official religion was Shi'a Islam
    -United ranian provinces under one sovereignty
    -Allied themselves with Europeans to stay protect from the Ottomans
  • Apr 18, 1504

    Hernan Cotes

    -Led an expedition across Mexico
    -Conquered the Aztec Empire
    -Began building Mexico City
    -Became governer and capatin general of Spain
  • Apr 18, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan

    -Led the first expedition that set sail aroud the world
    -Named the Pacific Ocean
    -Didn't survive the sail around the world, however, one of his ships did
  • Apr 18, 1524

    Francisco Pizarro

    -Conquered Peru
    -After Peru for the wealth of the Incas
    -Stole an incredible amount of gold, silver, and other treasures, as he was very greedy
  • Apr 18, 1526


    -Founder of Mugha Empire
    -Expanded kingdom by attacking many nations
    -Established himself as Sultan after attacking the Delhi
    -First Islamic conqueror to use muskets and artillery
  • Apr 18, 1526

    Mughal Empire

    -Used gunpowder for the first time in India
    -Dominant power in subcontinental India through the 16 and 18 century
    -Took place of the Delhi Sultanate as the most powerful in the Indian region
  • Apr 18, 1552

    Matteo Ricci

    -Sent to China to convert chinese into Christians
    -One of the founders of the Jesuit Chian Mission
    -One of the first western scholars to learn Chinese script, as others didn't care to
    -Gained trust of many Chinese
  • Apr 18, 1581

    Galileo Galilei

    -Astronomer, physicist, mathematician snd inventor
    -Invented a calculating compass
    -Went against some of the theories of Aristotle
    -Improved telescopes
  • Scientific Revolution

    -Period with new ideas in physics, astronomy, chemistry, and other sciences
    -Began in Europe
    -Was not accepted by all, as it changed theories that had been belived for millions of years
  • Creation of Colonies in the New World

    -First colonies were established in the east coast
    -Conflicts between European countires began over territory
    -France and England had he most territory in the New World
    -Colonies' economy largely based on fishing and farming
  • Tokugawa Shogunate

    -Population divided into four parts with samurai at the top
    -Established by Tokugawa Ieyasu
    -Known as Edo era, city's capital, now known as Tokyo
    -Ruled by shoguns of the Tokugawa family
  • Thirty Years War

    -Fought mostly in Germany
    -Involved most European countires
    -Complex reasons for conflict, some were religious
    -Began with the conflict between Protestanst and Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire
  • Quing Dynasty

    -Founded by the Manchus
    -China's last dynasty
    -Manchu emprerors unpopular because they brought western influence to China, as they were from the north
    -Expanded China to its present day size
  • Peter the Great

    -Became tsar at the age of ten
    -Wanted Russia to be able to compete with European countries in war and technology
    -Allied with the King of Engalnd, William the third, for trading purposes
    -Ordered the building of a new city, present-day St. Petersburg
  • Triangle Trade

    -Trade route among Europe, Africa, and North America
    -Goods from Europe would be traded for slaves
    -Slaves would be sent to America on crodwd ships
    -Goods produced in America would be shipped to Europe
  • Enlightenment

    -Era in Western philosphy, intellectual, scientific, and cultural life in which reason was considered the primary source foe legitimacy
    -Began in Europe
    -Set of values, rather than a set of ideas
    -Generally emphasized on social conditions
  • French-Indian War

    -Began with conflict between France and Britain, spread into North America
    -British colonist wanted to take over French land in North America
    -French allied with Native Americans
    -French lost all their land in Aerica, though recovered land in the Carribean
  • Catherine the Great

    -Empress of Russia; modeled after Peter the Great
    -Born a princess in Geramny, but married into th eRussian throne
    -Expanded Russia's borders
    -Promoted westrenization, education, and Enlightenment
  • Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette

    -Inhereted a monarchy that was deeply in debt
    -Grew unpopular as neither did anything to help France get out of debt
    -Ran out of their palace, Versailles, and into Paris where revolutionaries put them in prison
    -Last king and queen of France, both were beheaded
  • American Revolution

    -Conflict between 13 Colonies and Britain
    -Colonist unhappy with King George the third; "No taxation without representation
    -American colonist won their independance
    -Treaty of Paris marks the end of The Revolutionary War
  • French Revolution

    -France divided into three estates: Clergy-> Nobility-> Commoners
    -Commoners wanted priveleges the clergy and nobility had
    -France was in a bad state financially and the monarchy wasn't helping
    -Resulted in the last monarchy in France, and the First Republic of France
  • Storming of the Bastille

    -The Bastille was a prison that showed the absolutepower of the monarchy in France
    -Mob wanted to steal weapons
    -Chaos killed many people, including revolutionaries and guards
    -The Bastille was destroyed
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    -Fundamental document of the Freanch Revolution
    -Gave men in France an equal status
    -Approved by the National Assembly of France
    -Gave people the rights to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.
  • Haitian Revolution

    -Began because slaves wanted freedom
    -Some people of color did have rights (mulattoes)
    -Slaves set fire to plantations, torched cities, and massacred whites
    -Revolutionaries drove out white power from St. Dominique
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    -Said to be one of the greatest military commanders in history
    -Became empreror of the French
    -Introduced law codes to France
    -Gave equality to all, regarless of religion, amd abolished feudalism
  • Congress of Vienna

    -Wanted to settle issues left from the French Revolution, the fall of Napoleon, and the break of the Holy Roman Empire
    -Restored monarchies across Europe
    -France was deprived from all terrotory gained by Napoleon
    -Wanted to prevent political revolutionaries
  • Waterloo

    -Final battle of the Napoleonic Wars, fought near the village of Wateloo
    -Battle between Napoleon and leaders of the allied powers in Europe
    -Napoleon wanted to restore his power after he had been exiled
    -Battle ended with Napoleon being exiled again