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10 Important Historical Events

  • The Seven Years War (French and Indian War)

    The Seven Years War (French and Indian War)
    The seven years war mainly beneflted Britain. The war made France give Britain a lot of land in Canada and it grew Brtain by quite a lot. The seven years war was pretty important because it is estemated that over a million people were killed.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution
    changed the way people worked, where they lived and the way they thought. People moved from the countryside to the cities in search of work, and new machines and processes replaced the old ways of doing things. This led to the growth of industry and the development of new technologies, and the lives of ordinary people changed forever.
  • The Creation of the First Self-propelled Road Vehical

    The Creation of the First Self-propelled Road Vehical
    In 1769, Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot created the first self-propelled vehicle. It was an army tractor. This encuraged other people to build their own wehicles and to make improvments of his. He lived in germany and the improvments came from all over the world.
  • The End of the American Revolution

    The End of the American Revolution
    Memory.loc.govThe American revolution inspired the world to rebel against their governments. An example of this is the French revolution. The French people saw the victories the American people made and it gave them hope that they could make a change.
  • Cotton Gin Invented

    Cotton Gin Invented
    In 1793, a man named Eli Whitney created the cotton gin. The cotton gin basically started the industrial revolution. Without the amount of cotton that was being produced because of the cotton gin, the other textiles inventions wouldn’t have as much use. All of the inventions such as the shuttle loom need the cotton. Without cotton, all of the other textile inventions would be useless.
  • Napoleonic Invasion

    Napoleonic Invasion
    England began with his invasion of the Iberian Peninsula in 1807. The French forces quickly routed the Spanish and Portuguese armies and took control of most of the peninsula. The British government, fearing that Napoleon was preparing to invade their own country, sent an expeditionary force to the Iberian Peninsula in 1808.
  • The invention of the Steam Engine

    The invention of the Steam Engine
    Inventors.about.com[inventions.about.com](ventors.about.com/library/inventors/blsteamengine.htm) In 1776, James Watt developed a steam engine. This made the entire industrial revolution possible. Watt patented the parts of his steam engine (the way he condensed steam and a way to use low pressure steam to push a piston inside a closed cylinder) in 1769; but Watt and his partner Mathew Boulton weren’t selling the steam engines until the late 1770’s. this made the industrial revolution possible.
  • The invention of the Electromagnet

    The invention of the Electromagnet
    The electromagnet was invented by British inventor William Sturgeonin 1825. The electromagnet inspired three different electric telegraphs. The telegraphs improved communication all ver the world and let people communicate faster.
  • The Opening of The Suez Canal

    The Opening of The Suez Canal
    The opening of The Suez Canal connected the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. The SUez Canal greatly iproved trade and communication between countries just as the Panama Canal before it.
  • The invention of The Light Bulb

    The invention of The Light Bulb
    EnchantedLearning.comThe light bulb was an amazing discovery because it allowed people to work after the sun went down. This increased productivity, but it also increased the hours of factory workers.