Au coat of arms

Year 9 History

  • Death of French King Louis XIV

    Death of French King Louis XIV
    King Louis XIV was born on the 5th of September 1638 at St Germain-en-Laye. He was passed down the throne at the age of four after his father died, King Louis XIII. After hunting in Marly, the King felt sharp pains in his leg. This started on the 10th of August 1715. The King was put into a semi-coma which lasted 2 days before he died. A threat on the royal family forced them to flee to Paris. Not long after the conclution of the Peace of Westphalia let Condé's army to return aiding Louis.
  • Period: to

    Year 9 History

  • Declaration of the Rights of Woman

    Declaration of the Rights of Woman
    The Declaration of the Rights of Women was published in 1791 by Olympe de Gouges. She dedicated her publishment to Marie Antonette (wife of King Louis XVI). The publishment was written based on The Declaration of the Rights of Man to uncover the fact that the french revolution was assigned to sex equality. Writing this declaration De Gouges realised that the French law was that women were punishable, this was denied by equal rights and declared that women have the right to support and to speak.
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Invention of the Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin is a machine which separates the seeds and fibres of the cotton plant. The cotton gin was invented by an American, Eli Whitney. The job of separating the seeds and fibres took many people and hours manually. The cotton gin made this job quick and easy for people. This created many fortunes for the ship importing companies in America. After the cotton gin was invented the production of cotton expanded from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales in 1850.
  • Invention of the Gatling Gun

    Invention of the Gatling Gun
    The Gatling gun was an early version of a machine gun invented by Richard Gatling. This gun had six barrels, competent enough to fire 400 rounds per minute. The gun was invented to reduce the size of armies and deaths during war. Although this has a devastating effect on the Indigenous people. This machine could easily defeat a small native army.
  • Sir Henry Parkes gives Tenterfield Speech

    Sir Henry Parkes gives Tenterfield Speech
    Sir Henry Parkes who was a premier of New South Wales. Sir Henry gave his speech for the colonies to ‘unite and create a great national government for all Australia’. The reason for this speech was the need of united defence of Australia. In the speech Parkes was declared the first to use commonwealth associated with Federation. This had a political impact when the Australian Commonwealth was brought on and got the ball rolling in federation. Sadly Parkes never got to see what he had created.
  • First Battle of Marne

    First Battle of Marne
    1 month into World War 1 the first battle of Marne took place. The battle was between Germany and France. The Germans were moving towards Paris when France surprised them with an attack. This caused the first battle. After a 6 day battle the French held back the Germans from entering their land. This had an impact on the Germans not being able to eliminate the second front of World War 1.
  • Australia lands on Gallipoli

    Australia lands on Gallipoli
    On the 25th of April 1915, known as Anzac Day, is the day when more than 20,000 Australians and New Zealanders land in Gallipoli. Australia gathered many men to fight in WW1, due to the fact that Australia was part of the British Empire. To get more men to fight in the war, they advertised the war as a free trip to another country with your friends. If they did not do this many citizens would have refused. At the end of the war 61,522 Australians lost their lives. This gave a big social impact.