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    Metals had not been discoverd,so they hunted and farmed with stone tools.Women and man did not have the banknots and coins that we use today.Along time ago people didin't have money, so they exchand stuff insted of paying. For example someone gives me 2 packs of rise and you give them gold so that's what they did along time ago.
  • Credit Card

    Credit Card
    Credit cards are the same as money ,but in a card. Credit card were made in 1915. So credit card were here from a long time ago.For credit cards you should write on a paper or else they might take more money. Last but not least credit cards are for money.
  • Trading

    Did you ever trade a object and a nother object that's what we call trading.A long time ago,people trade insted of paying.For example I gave someone 2 goldin metals, and the auther person gave me even a metals but 1 metals even more valuble.
  • Cattle

    Long long ago people did not pay money instead they gave cows or sheep and there was no credit cards or nothing only, cows and sheep. As it grew better and better finally we have know paper money and coins.
  • Exchange

    Famers could barter his cattle for a certain weight of pay his taxes. Lots of things are valuble,for example silver nugget and did you know food could be valuble their are 1,000 and 1,000,000 of valuable things. And last but not least some animals are valuable.
  • Banknotes

    Until recent,money was based solely on coins.This type of money is know as 'specif money' and its valuble. As trade increased, more and more money was needed as a medium of exchange.Banknotes do not contain the value they respresent.
  • What is money?

    What is money?
    Money is what in this picture. And money is used for paying stuff money is one of the most valuble thing on earth,because if you don't have money you won't eat and lots of auther things and if your pore and don't have money you can have money only if people give you money.Can you feel that money is valuble or not.......yes or no.
  • The first coins

    The first coins
    The first coins were made in Ancient Greek coin but quickly adopted this new idea,and started producing silver and bronze coins,for example the silver drachma and there a lot of auther things.The coins were stamped with a seal by the king or the city or even a contry that issued them.Last but not least coins is like Credet cards and paper money.