

  • Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    The triple alliance made between Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary was there in order to keep Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary strong countries. The triple alliance meant that if one of the countries was faced with war the other two were there to support it. Australia wasn't included in this alliance.
  • Triple Entente

    Triple Entente
    The triple entente was formed between Britain, France and Russia. It also included Japan and Portugal. This alliance made these countries stronger against Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary. Australia was included in this entente as it is and was a part of the commonwealth. *unsure of date
  • Assasination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
    The assasination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife was in Sarajevo (now known as Bosnia). Arch duke Franz Ferdinand was heir to the Austro-hungarian throne. Australia wasnt involved in this but was involved in the outcome the assasination had.
  • Austra-Hungary declares war

    Austra-Hungary declares war
    One day after the assasination of Franz Ferdinand Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia which effectively begun WW1. Australia played no part in this declaration of war made by Austria-Hungary.
  • Germany declares war

    Germany declares war
    Germany declared war on Russia. This had an effect on Australia as Asutralia was/is a apart of the commonewealth and according to the triple entente Britain and Russia were to support each other.
  • Britain declares war

    Britain declares war
    Britain declared war on Germany, this was influenced by the fact that Germany did not withdraw from Belgium after being given the ultimatum of leaving belgium or staying and being in war with Brtiain.
  • WW1 begins

    WW1 begins
    World war one began.
  • Western Front

    Western Front
    The war on the Western Front began. This occured when Germany invaded Belgium.
  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    The battle of the Marne took place in Marne (near Paris). It included German armies, French field armies and the british expiditionary force (BEF).
  • Trench warfare

    Trench warfare
    Trench warfare begins on Western Front. Trench warfare was when the soldiers fought in trenches which allowed them to be less in danger of being hit by small armed fires.
  • Battle of Ypres

    Battle of Ypres
    The battle of Ypres was in Belgium. There were five battles which were between Germany, Belgium, France and Britain.
  • Turkey enters war

    Turkey enters war
    Turkey enters war supporting Germany because of the triple alliance made with Germany and Italy.
  • Anzacs in Gallipoli

    Anzacs in Gallipoli
    Ansacs landed on Gallipoli.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a massive ship that held 1,959 people, mostly British and Americans. The Lusitania was torpedoed and sunk by the Germans and 1,198 people on the ship died because of it. This was a major factor that persuaded the US to join WW1.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun was fought between France and Germany. It caused 700000 casualties as it was the longest war of world war 1. Verdun is in the north eastern region of France.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    Battle of the Somme was between France, England and Germany. It ended on the 13th of November 1916.
  • Battle of Fromellese

    Battle of Fromellese
    The battle of Formelles begun. It was a British and AIF operation that took place on the Western Front.
  • US join war

    US join war
    The US joined WW1 after a vote that stated whether they declared war against Germany or not. This vote led the US to declare war on Germany. Although this was not the first time that the US were involved in the as they were supplying weapons and help for some other countries.
  • The battle of Vimy ridge

    The battle of Vimy ridge
    The battle of the Vimy Ridge was led by Canada. It occured after several attempts made by the US, Britain and France to overthrow the Germans in Vimy Ridge and to take Vimy Ridge.
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
  • Treaty of Versaillies was signed

    Treaty of Versaillies was signed
    The treaty off Versaillies was signed to end war of Germany and the allied powers. It was signed exactly 5 years after the assasination of Franz Ferdinand.
  • League of nations

    League of nations
    The league of nations was founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference which ended WW1. It was the first ever worldwide organisation that was to support world peace.