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The First World War

By H90
  • Aliances

    Dual Alliance (Germany and Austria-Hungary)
  • Aliances

    Triple Alliance: Italy joined the dual (France and Russia get nervous)
  • Germany

    1900-1914 Germany built 40 battleships and cruisers.
    The Kaiser wanted Germany to be a major world power but he needed a bigger navy.
  • Aliances

    Franco-Russian Alliance against triple alliance
  • Aliances

    Entente Cordiale (Britain and France)
  • crisis

    The Moroccan crisis
  • the conservative government

    the Conservative Government set up a Royal Commission to look at the Poor Law
  • Britain

    Britain built the first Dreadnought
  • Work's men compesation

    Employers had to pay workers compensation for injuries and diseases it they had got them as a result of their work. It covered 6 million workers who hadn’t previously had any legal protection
  • General Election and LEA

    The Liberal Party won a landslide general election victory over the Conservatives.
    The School Meals Act allowed LEAs (Local Education Authorities. They were in charge of running state schools) to supply free school meals paid for out of rates (local council tax)
  • triple entente

    Triple Entente (Russia, Britain and France) to fight against the Triple Alliance.
  • Germany

    Germany built its own version , but Britain had a new, bigger kind
  • Balkan Crisis

    One of the most problematic crisis was the crisis in the Balkans.
  • Austrian invasion of Bosnia

    Many people living there were Slavs, who wanted to unite with Serbia. The Austrian invasion was resented by the Slavic peoples everywhere, including Russia. Serbia wanted to unite the Slavic peoples in the region, and resented the invasion of Bosnia
  • Winston Churchill and Willian Beveridge

    They put together the Trade Board Act setting a minimum wage, and also worked on the Labour Exchanges Act, setting up job centres.
  • The Aguadir Crisis

    French troops sent to Fez to fight Moroccan rebels. Germany accused France of trying to take control over Morocco, and sent a warship (Panther), hoping to force France to give them the French Congo. Britain objected to the German action because they had a naval base nearby at Gibraltar (they sent warships to Agadir). Germany backed down and recognized French influence in Morocco (Germans felt anti-British)
  • National Insurance

    The Act came in two parts: health insurance and unemployment benefit
  • Tension builds

    The "conscription" was a custom in most Western countries and armies increased.
  • One of the origin of the First World War

    The Archduke was killed by a Serb student called Princip while he visited Sarajevo in June 1914. Princip was a Black Hand member. This assassination only triggered the war, it didn’t cause it.
  • minimun wage

    Two million workers were covered by the trade boards and so had the security of a minimum wage.
  • Austria-Hungary

    Austria-Hungary blames the Serbian government for the assassination, issuing a 10-point ultimatum. The ultimatum states that if Serbia doesn’t give up its independence, Austria-Hungary will send troops into Serbia
  • The First World War

    Serbia refuses to let these troops in. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
  • Germany

    Germany demands that Russia stop mobilizing
  • Russia

    Russia begins mobilizing troops ready to help Serbia
  • Russia

    Russia refuses. Germany declares war on Russia. France begins mobilizing to help Russia
  • Germany

    Germany declares war on France and sends troops through Belgium to attack, following the Schlieffen Plan
  • Great powers

    All the great powers of Europe marched to war.
    Belgium is neutral, and Britain has agreed to protect Belgium. Britain orders Germany to withdraw. Germany refuses. Britain declares war on Germany.
    Britain sent the BEF to help France and Belgium
    After Ypres the British Army needed more men
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia.

  • Warfare

    Use gas axphyxiating
    Petain general French top
  • War of positions

    Balkans are involving in war
    The trench
    War of Verdun
    Somme campaign begins
    Greece declares the war to the aliance
  • submarine warfare

    Submarine warfare during the First World War was in part a struggle between German U-Boats and supply convoys across the Atlantic to Britain final destination. The British and allied submarines carry a wide range of operations in the Baltic Sea, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. Only a few activities took place outside the European-Atlantic theater of war. Attacks by German submarines to Allied merchant ships gave Americans a direct reason to enter the war in April.
  • USA enters the War

    American neutrality policy was changed when Germany announced in January 1917 that from 1 February resort to unrestricted submarine warfare against the British fleet and all ships were directed to this nation. United States had already expressed its opposition to unrestricted submarine warfare because it violated his rights as a neutral power , and had even threatened Germany with the rupture of diplomatic relations if it came to implementing this strategy . On 3 February,
  • USA enters the War II

    the United States broke diplomatic relations with Germany . That's when three days after the United States declared war on Germany .
    The torpedoed by a German submarine fleet against the Lusitania ship where traveling U.S. 123 , caused a strong reaction in the U.S., which was prepared to officially enter the war on the side of the Allies. But he must first overcome a big problem: the massively recruit soldiers , as his army was very low.
  • Entente offensive in belgium


  • Russia

    Russia pulled out of the War in
    In April the USA joined the Allies

    Evacuation of all Russian territory , Russia giving full opportunity for self-development with the help of the powers.
    Full restoration of Belgium in its full sovereignty and freedom .
    Liberation throughout France and repair the damage caused by Prussia in 1871.
    Resetting the Italian borders in accordance with the principle of nationality.
    Opportunity for independent development of the peoples of Austria-Hungary .
    Evacuation of Romania , Serbia and Montenegro, granting access to the sea for Serb

    Security autonomous development of non-Turkish nationalities of the Ottoman Empire, and the Strait of free for all kinds of boats Dardanelles.
    Declare Poland as an independent state , which also has access to the sea.
    The creation of a general association of nations , to be by specific covenants for the purpose of mutually guarantee political independence and territorial integrity , both large and small states .

  • RUSSIA SIGNS PEACE Brest-Litovsk

  • Armistice in the Balkans

  • Britain conquered the Middle East




    Conventions and no open secret diplomacy in the future.
    Absolute freedom of navigation in peace and in war outside territorial waters, except when seas quedasen closed by an international agreement .
    Disappearance , as much as possible , economic barriers.
    Suitable for the reduction of national armaments guarantees.
    Adjustment of colonial claims , so that the interests of the people deserve equal consideration to the aspirations of governments , the basis shall be determined ,

    The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty signed at the end of the First World War officially ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Countries. It was signed on June 28, 1919 in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, one of the major events that had triggered the war. Although the armistice was signed months ago (11 November 1918) to end the fighting in the battlefield,
  • Treaty St. Germain

    The Treaty of Saint Germain-en-Laye was signed on September 10, 1919, by the victorious Allies of World War I on the one hand and by the new Republic of Austria on the other. As the Treaty of Versailles with Germany, contained the Covenant of the League of Nations and consequently was not ratified by the United States
  • Treaty of Neully

    Peace agreement signed at Neuilly-sur-Seine (France) on November 27, 1919 between the victors of the First World War and Bulgaria, which had been defeated. Under the terms of this treaty, Bulgaria had to cede small areas of its territory to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later renamed as Yugoslavia), whose independence is recognized, and deliver to Greece Western Thrace, which lost its output the Aegean Sea. Also Dobruja was returned to Romania.
  • Treaty of Tryanon

    None of the Paris peace treaties were more drastic in its terms that the Treaty of Trianon. For this was not only Hungary but also dismembered mutilated. Even if we exclude Croatia, which had been united only in a federal tie to the other lands of the Holy Crown of St. Stephen - but remained one hundred years - The Hungarian properties were reduced to less than a third of its prewar area , a little more than 2/5 of its population.
  • Treaty of Sèvre

    Peace treaty between Turkey and the Allied powers (except for the Soviet Union and the United States) after the First World War. The agreement was signed on August 10, 1920 in Sèvres (France). Disintegrating Ottoman Empire and Turkey limited to the city of Constantinople and its surrounding territories, and part of Asia Minor. Turkey had to give Greece Eastern Thrace, Imbros, Tenedos and Smyrna; Armenia achieved independence and Kurdish autonomy.
  • Washington Conference

    USA, Br & Fr reduced size of Navies
  • Rapallo Treaty

    Rus & Ger resumed diplomatic relations
  • The League of nations failed to sort out the Corfu Incident

    Mussolini wanted both apologize and money compensation after the murder of Italian diplomat, invading the Greek island of Corfu. The League argued in favor of compensation. Finally, Mussolini received money and apologizes: the League was weak, very weak.
  • Dawes Plan

    plan to lend money to Germany and extend payments
  • Geneva Protocol

    to make countries use the League to sort out disputes
  • Locarno Treaties

    Germany agreed to western borders set at Versailles
  • League of Nations

    Germany’s economy was stronger and had been accepted into the League of Nations
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    65 nations agreed not to use force to settle arguments
  • Young Plan

    Reduced reparations by 75% gave Germany 59 years to pay