A world war 1 story  part 6  hutt valley  wellington  new zealand  14 april 1916 (437353411)


  • Serbia's Rebellion against the Ottoman Empire

    Serbia's Rebellion against the Ottoman Empire
    Serbia rebelled against their current leader Turkey and planned to become their own country. This was a success and Serbia became an independent country.
  • Serbia conquers Bosnia

    Serbia conquers Bosnia
    Serbia went to war with Turkey, conquering Bosnia but later giving it back to the Ottoman Empire. Austria-Hungary was angered by this.
  • Austria-Hungary invades Serbia

    Austria-Hungary invades Serbia due to the fact that the country had the leading power after winning against Bulgaria and driving the Turks out of Europe.
  • Franz Ferdinand gets assasinated

    Franz Ferdinand, the archduke of Austria-Hungary decided to take a tour of his new country Serbia and got murdered by a Bosnian along with his wife. Austria-Hungary were furious.
  • Germany Enters war

    The leader of Germany backed up Austria-Hungary, as they were keen for conflict and their countries were linked.
  • Austria declares war on Serbia

    Austria decides to fight against Serbia after enduring a period of rebellion and unacceptance of being invaded. The Serbians were getting out of control and harder to regulate.
  • Russia enters war

    Russia backs up Serbia in the war after seeing the small country struggle. Germany declares war on Russia
  • France enters war

    France decides to back up Russia after close ties but Germany then declares war on France.
  • Britian Enters war

    Germany, in order to get rid of the two big countries on either side, attack through the neutral country of Belgium. This infuriates the British Empire, as they had committed a war crime by going through a neutral country. Britian declares war on Germany.
  • First battle of Ypres

    To stop the opposing side from occupating Western Belgium, Germany starts a battle in Ypres with the French troops. This marks the first battle for Ypres.
  • Turkey enters the war

    Turkey backs up Germany in the war as the western front is occupated with more trenches.
  • Landing in Gallipoli

    The allies landed their troops in the famous battleground of Gallipoli, Turkey. This was to defend Egypt from the Turkish troops there.
  • Italy enters was

    Italy backs up the allies side, declaring war with both Germany and Austria.During the war Italy jumped on both sides strageically as they progessed and advanced. This made the country gain much more land. Italy finally settled on the allies side.
  • Evacuation of Gallipoli

    The allies were evacuated from Gallipoli after commanders were worried that the artillery weren't advancing them any furthur. Winter was also kicking in and the supplies weren't enough for the troops throughout the season. The evacuation was planned carefully form the Turks.
  • Battle of Verdun

    The battle of Verdun started. It was one of the major battles to occur on the Western front. It involved the German and French troops in North Eastern France. The battle of Verdun also involved Crown Prince Wilhelm of Prussia leading on the German side.
  • Battle of Somme

    This marks the start of the battle of the Somme, a bloody and history making battle that cost many lives to only gain seven miles of land. Haig was the leader of this operation with his intention to reduce the Germans from Verdun.
  • USA enters the war

    The United States of America join in on the war against Germany after remaining neutral for several years. They joined the allies side after the Germans sunk several ships and killied some Americans.
  • German and Russia retreat

    Germany and Russia’s war came to a stop after signing a treaty with them. This was due to the position they were stuck in at the Eastern front. No-one was making any progress and both Russia and Germany's economys were suffering.
  • Second Battle of the Marne

    The German armies started to fall due to the second battle of the Marne. The attack was unsuccessfal after the French defended wiht large tanks.
  • The allies advance

    August 8th 1918 The allies advances majorly.
  • Turkey gets defeated

    The Turkish soldiers finally fell planning to make peace.
  • End of War

    Germany signed off the war with the allies and the war is officially stopped.This date 11 of 11th now marks rememberance day for the soldiers who went to war.
  • Treaty of Versailles.

    The treaty of Versailles is signed by Germany. This is a peace treaty signed only by Germany from the central powers. It was included during a peace meeting in Paris in which they had accept that they had started the war and give up several resources and land. The treaty was said to be harsh.