World War 1

  • Franco - Prussian War

    The war between France and Prussia (the future german empire) the lasted for 1 year. Ended with a humiliating defeat for France
  • Russo - Japanese War

    War between Russia and Japan. Russia lost which led to political crisis, sparking the Russian revolution of 1905.
  • Entente Cordiale

    The alliance between British and French
  • Italo - Turkish War

    The defeat of the Turkish empire showed weakness towards the Ottoman army and began disagreement between the European power.
  • Balkan Wars

    Serbia, Greece, Montenegro and Bulgaria formed the Balkan league, a military alliance that took down the Ottoman Empire. Within a few months, the Balkan league turned on each other due to a dispute over conquered territory.
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand and wife

    Francis Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist terrorist group called the black hand.
  • Germany promised support for Austria

    Kaiser Wilhelm ||, the German emperor of the time, promised German support for Austria against Serbia
  • July Ultimatum

    Austria - Hungary presented an ultimatum to Serbia. Vienna however intentionally imposed impossible demands to Serbia in order to be able to declare war.
  • Start of World War 1

    Beginning of the first world war. War between the allies ( Britain, US, Russia, Italy, France) and the central powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria)
  • Austria declared war on Seria

  • ANZACS land on Gallipoli

    The ANZACS land on the Turkish land, where they were slaughtered. Creating ANZAC day
  • Evacuation from Gallopoli

    The ANZACS are rescued from Gallopoli
  • First ANZAC day held in Australia

    Australias first celebration to the ANZACs.
  • Battle of Somme

    The first World War 1 battle. Between the colonies of the British / French against the German empire
  • Australias first conscription referendum

  • U.S enters the war

    The U.S army service joins the allies and begins fighting.
  • Battle of Beersheba

    Was fought on 31 October 1917, when the Egyptian Expeditionary Force attacked and captured the Yildirim Army Group garrison at Beersheba
  • Troops recapture village of Villers - Bretonneux

  • End of World War 1

  • Armistice

    The Germans and allies seised fire.
  • Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

    The peace treaty that brought the World War 1 to a stop
  • Great Depression begins