World Studies Timeline (1750-1919)

By 879712
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    RevolutionThe American Revolution is cause by the harsh treatments made by the British to the Americans. The Americans wanted freedom and the only way they can do was to revolt. This is an important part of history because the American Revolution led to the Declarion of Independence of the United States and also gave other countries the inpiration to be free.
  • U.S. Declares Independence

    U.S. Declares Independence
    DocumentThe 13 American colonies declares independence from Great Britain. It gave men and women liberty and equality. The Declaration of Independence set the precedent for other countries to follow and declare their independence from conquering nations. The Declaration of Independence had a big impact on history because it gave hope to conquered nations.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    HistoryThe French Revolution was due to the unfair treatment of the King, social status, and harsh taxation. The Tennis Court Oath is the event that really started the revolution. This event made a huge impact on European customs and also for the European beliefs.
  • Invention Of the Cotton Gin

    Invention Of the Cotton Gin
    Cotton GinThe cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney during the Industrial Revolution. The purpose of the cotton gin was to easily remove the cotton from its seeds. The invention of the cotton gin impacted the production of cotton from the South resulting to cheaper cloth.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Louisiana PurchaseThe Lousiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States. This purchase was made by Thomas Jefferson from the French. This is an important event because it doubled the size of the U.S. and it made the Lewis and Clark expedition possible.
  • Invention of the telephone

    Invention of the telephone
    TelephoneAlexander Graham Bell created the telephone. This invention is important and beneficial to history because it provided a new way for people to communicate.
  • Invention of the Light Bulb

    Invention of the Light Bulb
    lightbulbThe lightbulb is created by Thomas Edison. It illuminates which helps people in the early days and even today when working at night. The invention of the lightbulb changes how people can do things during day and night.
  • Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    AssasinationArchduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife was assasinated by a Serbian nationalist. This resulted in Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia. Austria-Hunagry had allies and so did Serbia. The declaration of war resulted a spark to the beginning of WWI.
  • World War I

    World War I
    WWIWorld War I also called the Great War, was started when Archduke Franciz Ferdinand was assasinated. This war was between the Allied Powers (Great Britain,Russia,France) and Central Powers (Austria-Hungary,Germany). This is an important event in history because it is one of the bloodiest war in history. It gave huge debts to countries specially the countries who failed to achieve victory.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    TreatyThe Treaty of Versailes ended WWI. It angered Germany because of the amounts of request the Allies wanted. Germany had to pay war debt, they have to give a portion of their land and also they were not allowed to own any submarines. This treaty is not imortant however it was crucial to leading to a second World War.