World History (Quarter 4)

  • 1054

    18.1, Leo Excommunicates a Bishop, Eastern Europe

    Becoming the pope of the church (1049), Pope Leo IX excommunicated a bishop who did not "recognized his authority". This soon led to the division of the church, the establishment of the Christian Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church (Leo supporters).
  • Period: 1066 to 1492

    Later Middle Ages

    During the later dates of the Middle Ages, people started questioning and sometimes challenging the pope and church’s power. More people joined in after seeing the aftermath of the Crusades, which the pope ordered armies to participate in.
  • 1096

    18.2, Crusaders Leave For the Holy Land, Europe

    Soon after the Pope taught the "importance" of the Holy Land (Palestine), he sent peasants to go claim the religiously important location, which attacked Jews along the way (for a reason I am not sure of).
  • 1100

    18.3, Monks Create More Strict Rules, Europe

    The Monks of Cluny were a group of French monks who were disappointed with the church and started a monastery. In this establishment included a strict schedule explain dates and times of prayers and religious events. During 1100s, several monks thought the schedules and rules of Cluny were not strict enough, and therefore created an even more strict set of rules and schedules. Monks following this looked as if they isolated themselves from others (my opinion).
  • 1215

    18.4, King Signs the Magna Carta, Runnymede, London

    After years of selfish actions and commands from the king, the nobles got together and wrote out a document for King John to sign called the Magna Carta. This document stated that even the king had to follow the land's laws. Many people agree this has brought back order into the kingdom.
  • Period: 1271 to

    The Renaissance and Reformation

    As new ideas from far places came in, the Renassiance is a time period where art and literature reached its forte, and included changes to religious systems.
  • Period: 1416 to

    Science And Exploration

    During this time period, many scientists and inventors elaborated their field in science, including astronomy (with theories and inventions).
  • 1475

    19.1, Michelangelo Is Born, Italy

    One of the greatest masters of art, designer for many buildings, writer of famous poets, carver of elaborate sculpture, and artist for magnificent art (including the ceiling murals of the Sistine Chapel), was born in 1475.
  • 1483

    19.3, Martin Luther Is Born, Germany

    Martin Luther was a priest who strongly disagreed with the church’s system the Catholics used, and was recorded that he nailed a total of 95 these on the church’s door. This led to a split in the church; Protestants and Lutherans.
  • 1492

    18.5, Last Muslim Stronghold (In Spain) Falls, Spain

    After many battles with Muslims in Spain, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella ended the Reconquista by defeating the last Muslim stronghold in Spain called Granada.
  • 1492

    20.2, Columbus Starts Sailing, Spain

    Known for his “discovery” of America, Columbus started sailing west for another route to Asia, but landed on where is now known as America. He also first started slavery.
  • 1500

    20.3, Slaves Are Brought, Europe

    Although it is a shameful event, slaves started getting shipped from Europe to the “New World” (America), on chain with little food and water. Many slaves died because of this (sickness, etc.)
  • 1564

    19.2, Shakespeare Is Born, England

    Supossably the greatest English writer, who wrote more than 30 varities of plays including comedies and tragedies, William Shakespeare, was born on 1564. He is the author of the famous “romance” “Romeo and Juliet”.
  • 1564

    20.1, Galileo Is Born, Italy

    Galileo Galilei was born and destined to become the Italian scientist who invented the telescope; it allowed more access in the field of astronomy. He used it to prove Nicolaus Copernicus’ theory.
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment and Revolution

    During this time period, English society developed many rights and adjusted government structures. The Enlightenment inspired these changes.
  • 21.3, The English Bill of Rights Is Approved, England

    A condition given to William and Mary (when the throne was offered) was that they accepted the English Bill of Rights. The bill include information of the Parliament and English people’s rights. It was approved in year 1689.
  • 21.1, Voltaire Is Born, France

    The French philosopher, the writer who mocked the government and religion in his writings, the one who believed humans can improve their own existence- Voltaire was born in year 1694.
  • 21.2, The Social Contract Is Published, France

    Charles-Louis Montesquieu believed in popular sovereignty, and therefore published The Social Contract; it explains about how the government can publish laws, as long as it serves the people.
  • Ch.18, Modern Event, Mostly Western Side (of the world)

    Signed in 1215, the Magna Carta have made reigns of kings more fair, and its ideas have also been included in other countries’ constitutions.
  • Ch.19, Modern Event, Vatican

    Found in the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo left amazing murals on the ceiling of the chapel which has now become a popular tourist location.
  • Ch.20, Modern Event, Global

    Made by Gailieo Galilei, the telescope was a vital invention for studying astronomy, such as obvserving stars, planets, and solar systems. Modern telescopes can allow more detailed and further images.
  • Ch.21, Modern Event, America

    Written by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independance declared America’s independance, which people now look at (from the museum) or are inspired by to do their country proud.