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World History Chapter 10

  • 330

    Constantinople becomes capitol of eastern Roman Empire

    Constantinople becomes capitol of eastern Roman Empire
    Constantinople was more wealth than Roman and was made into the capital
  • Period: 527 to 565

    Reign of Justinian

    Rebuilt Constantinople, and systematizing Roman legal code
  • 650

    Slavic migrate into Eastern Europe

    This resulted in spread of culture and conflict on Byzantine empire’s boarders
  • 718

    Arab attack on Constantinople defeated

    Arab attack on Constantinople defeated
    Arab empire threat receded for a time
  • 855

    Rurik king of Kievan Russia (according to legend)

    supposed ruler of Russia
  • 864

    Beginning of Christian missionary work of Cyril and Methodist in Slavic lands

    Beginning of Christian missionary work of Cyril and Methodist in Slavic lands
    Spread Christianity and the Ideals behind it
  • 870

    Fist kingdom in what is now Czech and Slovak republics

    Lead to the creation of the Czech and Slovak nations which would interact with Bulgarian empire
  • 896

    Magyars settle in Hungry

    The Magyars would launch campaigns into Western Europe which would prove be to successful.
  • 960

    Emergence of Polish state

    Formed lasting political struct that lasted for the time of the polish state.
  • Period: 980 to 1015

    Conversion of Russia to Christianity

    Spread Christianity and resulted in stronger peace between Byzantine empire and Russia
  • 1018

    Byzantine defeat of Bulgarian Kingdom

    The Byzantine empire defeated the Bulgarian kingdom which resulted in the Bulgarians taking a far more aggressive stance against the Byzantine.
  • Period: 1019 to 1054

    Reign of Yaroslav, king of Rus’

    First Christian Prince of Russia and show the continuation of the Christian faith in Russia.
  • 1054

    Schism between Eastern and Western Christianity

    This divided different parts of the Europe catholic Religion which has stated to this day, and did weaken the Roman Empire.
  • Period: 1100 to 1453

    Byzantine decline; under growing attack by ottomans

    The Byzantine empire gets weaker form internal struggles and attacks form ottomans.
  • Period: 1237 to 1241

    Fourth Crusade, Westerners sack Constantinople

    The Christian faith is spread by another crusade and Constantinople, Byzantine’s capitol gets sacked.
  • Period: 1237 to 1241

    Mongols (Tatars) capture Russia

    Russia is conquered by the Tatars and stays under their rule for a time.
  • 1453

    Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople; end of Byzantine empire

    The Byzantine empire ends and a new erra begins
  • 1480

    Expulsion of Tatars from Russia

    When the Tatar’s were sent out of Russia, Russia was able to claim its independence and new rule.